The background color of the upperparts is a grizzled reddish brown, grading into rusty on the rump and flanks. Make a Donation | Eastern Chipmunk Photos, geographic range, physical characteristics, food habits, reproduction, behavior, habitat and conservation information. This is a small, ground-dwelling squirrel whose sharp chattering chuck-chuck-chuck is often heard before the animal is seen. Asked by Wiki User. Chipmunks don't always get along when vying for the nuts humans are passing out! (Linzey, 2008; Snyder, 1982), In the western portion of their range, eastern chipmunks inhabit wooded areas, river valleys and are interspersed in habitats distant from deciduous forests. The Trill of the Chase: Eastern Chipmunks Call to Warn Kin. The biggest species of chipmunk is the Eastern chipmunk. It is less profitable for eastern chipmunks to rob the caches of least chipmunks. Range and Habitat: The range includes much of eastern North America from southern Canada south to the Gulf of Mexico except for parts of the Southeast. The Eastern chipmunk is common in southeastern Canada and the northeastern United States. (Kurta, 1995; Penner and Devenport, 2011), In a study of captive chipmunks, eastern chipmunks demonstrated less success than least chipmunks in cache pilfering behavior. The other calls are typically given when a predator is spotted. 2002. Their range extends from Nova Scotia, east to Saskatchewan and south to Oklahoma, where they occupy the eastern part of the state. The Eastern Chipmunk is found in forests of the Piedmont and mountains of northern Georgia, and ranges over the forested eastern half of the United States, except on the southeastern Coastal Plains. At this time they become independent of the female. The fur on the back is reddish brown, with 5 conspicuous black stripes that run down the back and sides and end at a reddish rump. This ground dwelling mammal inhabits open deciduous forests where cover is readily available in the form of stumps, logs or rocky outcrops. Chipmunks are the smallest members of the squirrel family, according toNational Geographic. having the capacity to move from one place to another. The neonates are weaned 40 days after birth. However, least chipmunks' stripes extend to the base of their tail, whereas, eastern chipmunks' stripes stop before their rump patch. (Baack and Switzer, 2000; Da Silva, et al., 2002; Saunders, 1988), Eastern chipmunks react to alarm calls by altering their foraging behavior and becoming more alert. Eastern chipmunks scatter-hoarder and will leave caches throughout their home range or in one of the rooms their burrow. Range and Habitat: Eastern chipmunks inhabit the extreme eastern part of Kansas, but are now only common in residential areas. They reach as far north as the treeline, where it is too cold and dark for forests to grow. The Eastern Chipmunk is eaten by predators such as foxes, hawks, and snakes. Size. Their rounded ears measure less than 20 mm. Eastern chipmunks are widely distributed throughout the eastern United States and southeastern Canada. Copyright Information | Eastern Chipmunks have a typical lifespan of 2-4 years in the wild and 6-8 years in captivity. The eastern chipmunk is a small, ground-dwelling squirrel with conspicuous lengthwise stripes on the back, sides, and cheeks. Long-Eared Chipmunk Sometimes its hard to tell one kind of chipmunk from another. The Animal Diversity Web team is excited to announce ADW Pocket Guides! Tamias striatus. They have a lighter underbelly. Breeding A litter of four or five young (range 1 - 9) are born after a gestation period of about 31 days. Ethology, 106: 10571066. The chipmunk is most active in early morning and late afternoon, gathering and storing seeds, nuts, acorns and berries. They are solitary and territorial, especially close to their burrow. IUCN 2012" (On-line). These little rodents measure about 5 or 6 inches long, with 4- or 5-inch-long tails. They are also easily tamed and can make unique pets. The young are weaned after about 6 weeks. The Siberian chipmunk is the only species that is found outside of North America - its range extends throughout northern Asia, from central Russia to Japan. the area in which the animal is naturally found, the region in which it is endemic. National Science Foundation Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. living in cities and large towns, landscapes dominated by human structures and activity. They also are important to spore dispersal for different kinds of fungi. However, cache defending behaviors were deterred in this study. There is no difference in appearance between males and females. Eastern chipmunks are listed as a species of Least Concern according to the IUCN Red List. "How the Chipmunk Got His Stripes" (On-line). Gilbert, Bradley. Because of their abundance, chipmunks are a valuable prey item for a variety of species. Their prime habitat is mature beech-maple forests, but they will occupy bushy areas and coniferous forests, however, swampy sites are avoided. The smallest is also the most common. The most commonly distributed chipmunk is the Least Chipmunk ( Swampy areas appear to be avoided. Chipmunks range in size from 8 to 10 inches long (including the tail) and weigh between 2 to 5 ounces. Eastern chipmunks are not noted for causing this type of damage. home range size in eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) in Michigan varied from 0.58 acres (a) to 8.01, with a mean of about 2.23 a. Manville (1949) also studied Tamias in Michigan and reported a home range size that varied from 0.19 to 0.43 a, with a mean of 0.25 a. Territorial calls lead to aggressive behavior when another individual is present. The home range consists of a core area that is approximately seventy-five square feet from the burrow. having body symmetry such that the animal can be divided in one plane into two mirror-image halves. Litter sizes are dependent on resource availability and the age of the mother. Linzey, A. Winters are spent underground. This material is based upon work supported by the Search in feature Eastern chipmunks have large cheek pouches located on either side of their mouth. Iteroparous animals must, by definition, survive over multiple seasons (or periodic condition changes). (Smith, 2005). Chipmunk Geographic Range Of the 25 chipmunk species found on the planet, 24 are native to North America; the lone exception, the Siberian chipmunk is found in Asia. Its North American range extends northward into southern Canada and south into the mountains of Mexico. They were not considered to be true hibernators, but studies indicate that the eastern chipmunks body temperature ranges from 35 to 41 C (95 to 105.8 F) during activity and drops to 57 C (4144.6 F) during torpora difference that characterizes true hibernators. The ADW Team gratefully acknowledges their support. Canku Ota. Behavior . Once these pouches are full, the Chipmunk returns to its burrow and stores the food in underground chambers to eat during the winter months when food may be scarce. Eastern Chipmunk (Tamias striatus) Description and Range: The eastern chipmunk is the only chipmunk found in Maryland. New York: Adirondack Wildlife Program, State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 1988. 2000. Chipmunks don't always get along when vying for the nuts humans are passing out! Home range size varies from 800 to 6,000 m2. Chipmunks may arise frequently to feed and during mild winter weather they may forage above ground. Chipmunks live in elaborate underground burrow systems with interconnecting tunnels, a nest area, and an area for food storage. The Eastern Chipmunk is found in forests of the Piedmont and mountains of northern Georgia, and ranges over the forested eastern half of the United States, except on the Wiki User Answered . This intense foraging may also explain the home ranges of the eastern chipmunk. (Da Silva, et al., 2002; Kurta, 1995; Linzey, 2008), Eastern chipmunks are extremely vocal and produce a variety of chips, trills and calls to alert others to the presence of predators or for territory defense. Its North American range extends northward into southern Canada and south into the mountains of Mexico. Trilling occurs in all active seasons, not just during juvenile emergence, which discounts the hypothesis that trilling is a mechanism of parental care. Individuals that do not disperse have home range lengths of up to 0.5 km throughout their lifetime. forest biomes are dominated by trees, otherwise forest biomes can vary widely in amount of precipitation and seasonality. There are three genera in this family: Tamias (eastern North America), Neotamias (western North America) and Eutamias (Eurasia). IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. It may also bury food in shallow excavations on the forest floor. The eastern chipmunk is large (up to 125 g) with a relatively short tail (about one-third of the total length from its nose to the tip of its tail), whereas western chipmunks are smaller (about 55 g) with a relatively longer tail (nearly half the total length from its nose to the tip of its tail). Their underparts are white. Ears are short, rounded, and held erect. Unlike its other squirrel cousins, the chipmunk The nest may be as much as 0.9 m (3 ft) below the soil surface and 1.8 - 3.7 m (6 - 12 ft) away from the burrow entrance. High intense chases establish hierarchies among groups of males competing for access to females, individuals display aggressive and submissive postures during these behaviors. Habitat. There is no difference in appearance between males and females. A comparative study of caching and pilfering behavior in two sympatric species, least chipmunks (Tamias minimus) and eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus). In addition, these animals in general face habitat modification. Animals with bilateral symmetry have dorsal and ventral sides, as well as anterior and posterior ends. Eastern chipmunks spend more time digging and searching for caches because least chipmunks hide seeds away from objects, which could be used as markers. Eastern Chipmunk ranges are also known to expand in autumn, but not as early as August (Forsyth and Smith 1973). Active during the day, it scurries about in an unending search for foodnuts, berries, tender flowers, leaves, and seeds, as well as small invertebrates like snails and insects. The Eastern Chipmunk is 20.3 - 25.4 cm (8 - 10 in) in total length including its tail, which is just 7.6 - 10.2 cm (3 - 4 in) long. Breeding A litter of four or five young (range 1 - 9) are born after a gestation period of about 31 days. The eastern chipmunks range in-cludes most of the eastern United States. (Kurta, 1995; Saunders, 1988), Eastern chipmunks are prey for most diurnal predators including weasels, felids and domestic dogs and cats. "Tamias striatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Light and dark stripes occur on their face around their eyes. Unlike its other squirrel cousins, the chipmunk The majority of chipmunks live in western North America, with one species in eastern North America and one species in Asia. Their tail is hairy, but not bushy and is somewhat flattened. It lives in a great variety of human generated ecosystems including fence rows, city parks, gardens, cemeteries, and even college campuses. a b Fig. After an alarm call, they expend greater energy and spend more time exposed at feeding stations because they decrease the amount of food carried to caches after hearing the call. Other foods include insects, small amphibians and birds. They do not have the fat stores to hibernate, but instead enter periods of torpor. Eastern chipmunks eat insects and may be helpful in controlling the population of some pest species. Chipmunks are known to be hibernators, even in the southern parts of their range and by October, each individual has gathered enough seeds to enable it to survive the winter. Range: The eastern chipmunk is found throughout the eastern United States, west to the Mississippi River and in southeastern Canada. 2011. What is the range of the eastern chipmunk? (Click here). 83, No. "Tamias striatus. However, their occasional scatter-hoarding behavior can be beneficial in seedling establishment. Baack, J., P. Switzer. 34(4):448-458. Range Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, and Michigan in the US. "Small Mammals and Agriculture: A Study of Effects and Responses" (On-line). Accessed They have small bodies with little rounded ears, several dark stripes down their flanks, and a mid-length furry tail. It has been also introduced in Europe. Eastern chipmunks demonstrate food caching behavior throughout the year, but are particularly active in the early autumn to prepare for winter. J. Mamm. offspring are produced in more than one group (litters, clutches, etc.) (Kurta, 1995; Saunders, 1988), Some Sciurids cause destruction to crops in gardens, fields and in food storage areas. Males and females look identical. Saunders, D. 1988. the business of buying and selling animals for people to keep in their homes as pets. Some dispersal, up to 0.9 km, will occur. Caching behavior is determined by the moisture content of the environment. Home ranges of chipmunks is 0.07 to 1.0 acre (0.030.40 ha). Range and Habitat: Eastern chipmunks inhabit the extreme eastern part of Kansas, but are now only common in residential areas. Also eat some insects, bird eggs, and even small vertebrates like young mice. The Eastern chipmunks are quite common throughout their range and don't appear to be threatened, but populations in forests are known to suffer from fragmentation of their natural range. Home range, territoriality and populations of the chipmunk in central New York. (Kurta, 1995), Eastern chipmunks are primarily 'larder hoarders'. Eastern chipmunks are noticeably larger than least chipmunks, which helps to distinguish between the two species. Males trill farther from the burrow, 100 m or greater. 1995. Evaluation Form, 2008 Georgia Museum of Natural History. Chipmunks: Least Chipmunk; Eastern Chipmunk; Woodchuck/Groundhog; Thirteen-lined ground squirrel ; Squirrel Hunting: The two largest tree squirrels (fox and gray) are by far the most hunted species. The Eastern chipmunk is common in southeastern Canada and the northeastern United States. Adironack Animals. One of our readers from Fonthill, Ontario, has this to say: Alarm Calls Affect Foraging Behavior in Eastern Chipmunks (Tamias striatus, Rodentia: Sciuridae). Many studies have shown that the size of home ranges vary due to several factors including food abundance (Mares et al. Caches are marked with an olfactory cue to aid in relocation. Their burrow is excavated less than one meter below the surface and has interconnected galleries up to 10 meters in length. Also eat some insects, bird eggs, and even small vertebrates like young mice. Eastern chipmunk females breed once or twice a year in the spring and/or summer. Each critter also has its own range. It eats acorns, hickory nuts, pecans, berries, seeds, and insects such as grasshoppers, beetles, katydids, and cicadas. This cue is dependent on the substrate and the moisture content of the seeds. This includes Greenland, the Canadian Arctic islands, and all of the North American as far south as the highlands of central Mexico. Foraging occurs mostly along the ground, but eastern chipmunks are proficient climbers. It digs a burrow system which is a complex of tunnels with two or three burrow entrances hidden under a rock, log, or bank. References | Range. Mammals of the Great Lakes Region. When in another's territory, a chipmunk will be wary. Their gestation period lasts 35 days. They build their nests in underground burrows, and defend a small territory around their home. In the early summer and early fall, their range is the largest. It is found in deciduous and mixed forests, suburban gardens, city parks, river valleys, brushy areas, and coniferous forests. In Native Indian folklore the story is that this animal was all one color until one day is got too close to a black bear. The surface entrance to their burrow measures 5 cm across and does not contain excavated soil. Young become independent two months after birth. In the early summer and early fall, their range is the largest. at But the longish ears on this one are a sure giveaway. The eastern chipmunk has light stripes above and below its eyes and it has pouched cheeks that it uses to store and carry food. Their nest is made out of crushed leaves and measures 30 cm in diameter. The eastern (gray) chipmunk lives where oak trees abound-- which includes most of Minnesota, except for the southwest. The eastern chipmunk is found abundantly throughout the middle and eastern sections of the United States. 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