The literature on the difficulties of cross-cultural understanding and adjustment when business people sojourn to other countries is well documented. Whilst there has been a steady increase in Indigenous completions in recent years, significant work remains to redress the imbalance. After invention of the h-index, is there a place for the teaching track in academic promotion? The journal publishes scholarly articles that make a significant and original contribution to the theory, practice or research of higher education. This paper reports selected findings of a study of the evolving appraisal scheme of The University of Melbourne. He sees this as a question of social choice. The Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education is an on-line, refereed journal concerned with exploring community engagement and community-based learning perspective, research, and practice. The dialogue seeks to resolve this difference. New content alerts RSS. The academic award restructuring of 1991 established a trial period for academic staff appraisal for the purposes of staff development. The journal publishes seven issues a year, including one Special Issue on a theme decided by the editorial team. Higher Education Policy quarterly 0952-8733 UK SSCI . The implications for practice and further research are discussed. Staff with higher degrees and greater research productivity were more motivated and self‐efficacious about research. Appropriate topics for consideration include retention, assessment, accreditation, financial management in K-12 and higher education, new program development, teacher education, curriculum, recruitment and case studies in education. Asian Education and Development Studies (AEDS) is concerned with education research in its broadest sense. These themes offer different insights into issues and understandings of academic development in today's university. Anyone who wants to use the articles in any way must obtain permission from the publishers. Achievement motivation and the personality trait of conscientiousness were indirectly related to first semester grades, through the influence they had on the students' use of self-regulatory learning strategies. Positive results from the pilot scheme led to a trial of the scheme in other disciplines. (2014) show in their systematic review of the literature. This article reports two initiatives in classroom assessment. I am deeply grateful to Gerlese and to Pam for the opportunity now, at the eleventh hour, to make a personal contribution to this issue. Academic development has had an approximately forty-year history within Australian higher education, paralleling the major expansions and changes in the sector, both nationally and internationally. The use of action learning, as a tool for change, appeared to assist participants to begin to own a top-down policy. 140 23 92 2973. The journal is open to studies using a wide range of methods, but has particular interest in studies that apply advanced quantitative research methods to issues in postsecondary education or address postsecondary education policy issues. Higher Education Research & Development. Teaching awards are now common practice in higher education. 129.26. Peer coaching (PC) is one experiential learning method that can be used to enhance the depth of learning in managerial education. HERDSA Connect The psychodynamics of learning and teaching at a time of changing funding arrangements and priorities are explored and discussed through students' accounts of their experience of university. Total Articles. Current issue Browse list of issues. August 1974, issue 3. A best-practice framework for supervision is offered as a guide for how supervisors, universities and national bodies can contribute to building the number of doctoral qualified Indigenous Australians. Instead, there is consistent evidence that underlying empirical structures appear to be sensitive to the response context and other factors. What academic language and learning advisers bring to the scholarship of teaching and learning: Problems and possibilities for dialogue with the disciplines, Tertiary education in the Noughties: the student perspective, Modelling success: enhancing international postgraduate research students' self-efficacy for research seminar presentations, Enthusiasts, fence-sitters and sceptics: Faculty perspectives on study abroad in Australia and the Czech Republic, Dancing on the bottom line: An unruly cost-benefit analysis of three academic development initiatives, Approaches to Studying and Perceptions of the Academic Environment in Students Following Problem-Based and Subject-Based Curricula. Higher Education Research & Development informs and challenges researchers, teachers, administrators, policy-makers and others concerned with the past, present and future of higher education. It is the principal learned journal of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia. ERIC is an online library of education research and information, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education. Arguments have been put forward for the benefits of appraisal processes with primarily developmental intent. The history of academic development has gone largely undocumented and unexamined at a national level, in Australia and elsewhere. The journal publishes scholarly articles that make a significant and original contribution to the theory, practice or research of higher education. The data were analysed using exploratory factor analysis. A. S. Perera 1, Abdul Khabir Rahmat 2,1, Ali Khatibi 1, S. M. Ferdous Azam 1 Surveys were conducted to gain an insight into student attitudes to the use of e‐mail and to the way the assignment tasks and assessment methods influenced their learning. John is a big man. In 2005, the Ministry of Education and Training developed a Higher Education Reform Agenda (HERA), a blueprint for reform of the system by 2020. Supervision has been identified as a primary influencer of the likely success of Indigenous doctoral students, yet very little research has been undertaken in this area. The Journal of Education for Sustainable Development (JESD) is a forum for academics and practitioners to share and critique innovations in thinking and practice in the emerging field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). That apart, the research affirms the value of focusing on terminology and the nexus with disciplinary concepts in introductory courses. The study involved the distribution of a questionnaire, which assessed motivation, self-regulatory learning strategies and personality traits, to 1193 students at the start of their first year at university. The educational developer suggests that teaching can be organized such that all students can benefit optimally. Review of Educational Research. The Higher Education Research and Development Survey is the primary source of information on R&D expenditures at U.S. colleges and universities. It therefore constitutes a collage, which we identify as a mode of cognition and of accounting distinct from but related to argument and narrative. Thus far there have been reports of the characteristics and processes of appraisal schemes, but less data on outcomes; in particular, little evidence to indicate the extent to which schemes lead to worthwhile staff development. As Australia will be without a non‐university higher education alternative, the resultant institutions are appropriately termed comprehensive universities. Journal updates. All articles propose fresh critical insights into the area being addressed and are framed for an international higher education research and development audience. This paper examines the experiences of 11 Indigenous Australians who hold a doctoral qualification. Australia is now the third largest provider of education to overseas students. Their scores on the scales of the CEQ and ASI were closely related, insofar as they shared more than half of their respective variance. Submissions of empirical, theoretical, philosophical and historical articles and essays that address higher education in any of its dimensions are welcome. (2014) show in their systematic review of the literature. . Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 39(2), 155 – 168. Google Scholar | Crossref. The focus of attention was motivation and self‐efficacy for teaching and research. The Higher Education Research and Development Survey is the primary source of information on R&D expenditures at U.S. colleges and universities. One faculty was lower in both research motivation and self‐efficacy, and associate professors and professors had high levels of research efficacy. However, there is a paucity of work theorising the relationship between higher education and development, as Oketch et al. Higher Education Research (HER) is an international, open access, peer-reviewed, rapid publication journal. With one exception, there were no significant differences between first and third year student results for any learning style of course. We also report on a workshop on feedback with teachers. Search in: This Journal … The paper illustrates that strategies rely on assumptions about the nature of time, and the links between time and quality. List of issues Latest articles Partial Access; Volume 39 2020 Volume 38 … Yet, the same difficulties being encountered by students on short-term cultural immersion tours are yet to be adequately documented. Importantly, part-time undergraduates were more likely to be older, in full-time employment and concentrated in particular fields of study. The journal publishes scholarly articles from around the globe, which make a significant and original contribution to the theory, practice or research of higher education. Slowly, research activity on higher education and development is beginning to rebuild internationally. In response to changing government philosophy concerning higher education, including increased institutional autonomy alongside greater pressure for accountability and internal renewal, Dutch universities have developed a system for external quality assessment under the aegis of the Association of Dutch Universities. The general comparability and validity of the proficiency qualifications are examined and the conclusion is drawn that many of the pieces of evidence accepted are inadequate measures of language proficiency for academic study. Biggs debriefs the dialogue. In particular, there is a need for legislative and regulatory reform, the establishment of appropriate accountability relationships, the development of leadership and managerial expertise at the institutional level, and the building of confidence and trust in the processes of institutional self-governance. This award is sponsored by the journal’s publisher Taylor & Francis and comes with a prize of $1000. ALL advisers who adopt an 'academic literacies' approach share with lecturers in the disciplines an engagement with issues of '-ography' (i.e. We argue that the diverse kinds of interactional patterns and pedagogical intervention it encourages help to create shifting subjectivities. The first involves the use of e‐mail as a teaching and learning tool and the second involves engaging student groups in preparing their own assignments. It is argued that it is doubtful if and in what sense the interview data generated in much of the empirical work within this tradition can be assumed to refer to “ways of experiencing”, the core object of research in phenomenography. Data are collected via unit evaluation instruments and focus group sessions. It reports on developments in both public and private higher education sectors. The English language proficiency of international students entering university has increasingly become a matter of concern for many academics and has also received considerable media attention. A year of change for Hong Kong: from east-meets-west to east-clashes-with-west, COVID19 – resilient education in the islands, International students in Australia – during and after COVID-19, International education in New Zealand: contemplating a new dawn following COVID-19’s darkest night, Embracing the possibilities of disruption, The relentless price of high individualism in the pandemic, The productive potential of pedagogical disagreements in classroom-focused student-staff partnerships, Academic identity and crossing boundaries: the role of the Programme Director in postgraduate taught programmes, Curricular change and delivery promotes teacher development and engagement, Beyond busy work: rethinking the measurement of online student engagement, Does PBL improve student performance in a multidimensional way? Academic language and learning (ALL) advisers, who work closely with students to improve their performance in their courses of study, have much to contribute to SoTL. This paper uses a case study approach to highlight the experiences of Griffith University's IAP students and considers QUT's current research projects. This article explores how the dominant cultural literacy in a western context relies on a western template of knowledge that can inhibit internationalisation of the curricula unless it is identified, transformed, and broadened to become interculturally responsive. I also wish to thank my fellow editors of this Special Issue, Gerlese Åkerlind and Pam Green, for the opportunity to write this Introduction to the issue. However, 'Learner preferences' required revision as it possessed poor reliability and validity. . However, we recognise that relations of accountability, as these have developed within a contemporary "audit revolution" (Power, 1994, 1997) in universities, create particular "lines of visibility" (Munro, 1996). This article presents a discussion of two key themes identified from a set of oral history interviews conducted with early leaders in academic development in Australia. (Author/MSE). Three hierarchical categories were identified that represented students' experiences: (i) seeking evidence; (ii) developing an argument; and (iii) learning as a social responsibility. The study tour was designed to fit with the emerging trend towards internationalisation of business education wherein universities perceive themselves as being international universities based in one city rather than city-based universities who have international students. Exploring first-year academic achievement through structural equation modeling, In Search of Staff Development: A Study of Academic Staff Appraisal, Shaping a culture: Oral histories of academic development in Australian universities, Finding time for quality teaching: An ethnographic study of academic workloads in the social sciences and their impact on teaching practices, Academics' Motivation and Self-Efficacy for Teaching and Research, Australian Academics and Transnational Teaching: an Exploratory Study of Their Preparedness and Experiences, Rendering an Account: An open-state archive in postgraduate supervision, Learning essential terms and concepts in Statistics and Accounting, Learning Styles Compared Across Health Science Courses, ‘Things fall apart so they can fall together’: uncovering the hidden side of writing a teaching award application, Talk as Data and Practice--A Critical Look at Phenomenographic Inquiry and the Appeal to Experience, Evidence, argument and social responsibility: First-year students' experiences of information literacy when researching an essay, An analysis of the effectiveness of feedback to students on assessed work, Validation of the diagnostic tool for assessing Tertiary students’ readiness for online learning, Autonomy and Assurance of Quality: Two Sides of One Coin. It asks whether it is possible to teach in a way that works well for all students. Higher Education Research & Development (HERD) is an international peer-reviewed journal, established in 1982 as the principal learned journal of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA). Overall, individual written comments were found to be the most useful form of feedback. The paper explores the contributions of the study tour to academic understanding of globalisation. The journal publishes scholarly articles that make a significant and original contribution to the theory, practice or research of higher education. These findings raise questions about the effectiveness of academic staff appraisal nationally and suggest that it is time to reconsider the policy linkage between appraisal and staff development. Total Cites. Occasional Symposia and Virtual Issues will also be published. Call for Contributions. April 1974, … Advancing Scholarship and Research in Higher Education (ASRHE) HERDSA's open source journal focused on advancing scholarship and research in higher education. Higher Education Research & Development is an internationally recognised peer-reviewed journal. Journal ISSN: 0729-4360. It is also argued that in some important respects discursive practices must be seen as preceding experience, and that experiential accounts given by individuals are grounded in discursive patterns. Powerful learning effects are reported by participants, and characteristics for successful PC relationships are examined. HERDSA's open source journal focused on advancing scholarship and research in higher education. Their curricula were classified as problem-based, subject-based or hybrid. Higher Education Research & Development is an internationally recognised peer-reviewed journal. Anyone who wants to read the articles should pay by individual or institution to access the articles. Slowly, research activity on higher education and development is beginning to rebuild internationally. What the student does: Teaching for enhanced learning. Higher Education Research (HER) is an international, open access, peer-reviewed, rapid publication journal. In general, it would seem that the data must be understood as indicative of accounting practices — ways of talking and reasoning — that interviewees, for one reason or another, find appropriate when being asked questions. Those of us who work with international postgraduate research students know that they can find this task daunting, and the literature both in Australia and abroad confirms that these students often lack confidence in this task. The effect of faculty of affiliation, level of appointment, gender, qualifications, and research productivity on staff's self‐reported attributions for teaching and research were examined. Vietnam has recently accepted the need for a comprehensive transformation of its higher education system. We identify how and why assessment driven by responsive cultural literacy enables all students to develop comprehensive intercultural communication skills and understandings as part of their lifelong learning in Australian universities. Its evolution and results to date are reported. Special Issue Special issue is an effective way for researchers to focus on a hot topic for an in-depth study. View our latest guide - Embedding Interprofessional Education in the Curriculum. Prof. Dr. Marco Rieckmann Prof. Dr. Inka Bormann Guest Editors Higher Education Research and Development Higher Education The international peer reviewed journal of the Higher Education Research & Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) To systematically research and analyse their personal experiences two successful Australian Learning and Teaching Council Citation applicants (Robyn and Thea) and their guide (Coralie) undertook a process of self-inquiry from an autoethnographic perspective. van Gijn-Grosvenor, Evianne L.; Huisman, Penelope – Higher Education Research and Development, 2020 This study was designed to explore what students perceive as … We use cookies to improve your website experience. Reference is made to the main challenges which will confront the new comprehensive universities.Some have called the new changes in Australian higher education “a revolution”, a characterisation which is not altogether hyperbolic. It becomes of particular importance at this time to garner a more thorough understanding of the continuities as well as the discontinuities in the meanings and practices of university teaching and in the work of those whose role has been to support its development. The data were analysed using confirmatory factor and Rasch analyses. Offering some of the more robust project-based learning experiences, Australian universities have become the first choice for many international students seeking to enhance their workplace readiness. (2012). Individual study patterns emerged in the trial of the accounting termbank, with international students making early use of the termbank with its translation equivalents in Mandarin Chinese, and Australian students more inclined to use it close to the final exam. This collective narrative takes the reader beyond the scholarly discussions of benefits and concerns about teaching award schemes prominent in the literature to date, to uncover a previously hidden view of award application writing. The journal is interested in comparative studies that lead to new insights and challenge orthodox theories when analysing education and development issues. Res. Wu, Yen-Chun Jim and Shen, Ju-Peng (2016) Higher education for sustainable development: a systematic review. The Case of Quality Assessment in Dutch Universities, Implementing Criterion-referenced Assessment Within a Multi-disciplinary University Department, Going Global with Assessment: What to do when the dominant culture's literacy drives assessment, Classroom Assessment for Improved Learning: A Case Study in Using E-mail and Involving Students in Preparing Assignments, A peer-assisted teaching scheme to improve units with critically low student satisfaction: Opportunities and challenges, On the Operationalisation of Conceptions of Learning in Higher Education and Their Association with Students' Knowledge and Experiences of Their Learning, Measuring student graduateness: reliability and construct validity of the Graduate Skills and Attributes Scale, The English Language Entry Requirements of Australian Universities for Students of Non‐English Speaking Background, The Rise of the Australian Comprehensive University, A profile of part-time undergraduates in Australian universities, Supervision provided to Indigenous Australian doctoral students: a black and white issue, Institutional autonomy for higher education in Vietnam. SBS Higher Education Research & Development bimonthly 0729-4360 UK SSCI . The survey collects information on R&D expenditures by field of research and source of funds and also gathers information on types of research, expenses, and headcounts of R&D personnel. Increasing numbers of educational institutions are adopting an online approach to teaching and learning; however, little regard has been given to the prerequisite personal and technical qualities required for academic achievement and satisfaction within this environment. Journal Abbreviation: HIGH EDUC RES DEV. Among the psychodynamic issues that emerged from students' accounts were organizational distancing, expressed in the physical and symbolic distance between students and teachers as well as a perceived distance between lecturers and their teaching responsibilities, and transference evident in the students' struggle between dependence and independence. Issue … Based on a conservative analytical approach, the results of the present study do not support a single clearly defined empirical model of conceptions of learning and associated constructs. These findings suggest that the implementation of a problem-based curriculum has desirable effects on the quality of learning, and these are at least in part mediated by students' perceptions of their academic environment. Education now need to be responsive to the skills shortage, businesses are confronting. To highlight the experiences of 11 Indigenous Australians completing doctoral qualifications is disparately below their non-Indigenous contemporaries the. Thinking are rich and far-reaching universities within two higher education publishes studies that lead new. Slowly, research activity on higher education 17 ( 5 ): 1076-1089 is consistent evidence that empirical! 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