Baby Bobcat Makes Friends With Feral Kittens . The Maine Coon also frequently appears on lists of water-loving cats. This breed hails from Turkey’s Lake Van region, and its affinity for water has earned it the nickname “the swimming cat.” These cats have semi-long fur with a cashmere-like feel that’s naturally water-repellant, so they’ll emerge from a swim relatively dry. These cats also appeared in Norse mythology; the goddess Freyja, for example, had a chariot pulled by giant cats. However, the idea that the breed likes water more than other cats may be mistaken according to some pet writers. Last updated Aug 24 2016. They are the most obvious cat that loves water, but other wild cats such the flat-headed cat will also swim often and bobcats have been seen swimming. It is an ancient breed; according to the VetStreet breed description, there are literary and artistic depictions of Japanese Bobtails that go back over 1,000 years. Their dainty and delicate appearance is somewhat deceptive, for they are actually healthy cats. News / By wateradmin. When the Ark ran aground at Mt. Playing next. All big cats that live in cold places do not like getting their fur wet as it would not then keep out the cold. The Abyssinian’s eyes are usually gold or green. The Turkish Van, which is also called the “swimming cat,” will make any list of water … USA. The Bengal is a large cat with a spotted or blotched coat that comes in a variety of colors. The Turkish Van, which is also called the “swimming cat,” will make any list of water-loving cat breeds. Forty years later, the first Norwegian Forest Cats were exported to the United States. Norwegian Forest Cats: Adept hunters, the large forest cats have thick, water-resistant coats to keep them warm while they fish. We all know domestic cats don't really like water? The American Bobtail will walk on a leash, follow its owner from to room, and even wag its stubby tail. The fact that so many #AdventureCats get to experi, 5 Ways Cats Can Get on Board with Clean Living, Adventures for every kitty — at home and in the shelter, Natural cat litter changes the world one box at a time, The Spicy Trio peppers Instagram with stunning cat pics. Turkish Angoras like to climb as well as play in the water, and they are generally too active to be lap cats. The following video shows how the Turkish Van earned its nickname of “swimming cat”. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. The small cats that are cute to humans, are ferocious and scary to animals that are smaller than small. The largest breed of domestic cat, the Maine Coon has long or medium hair that’s water-resistant, enabling it to swim, as well as withstand cold temperatures. But what about tigers, lions and leopards? Their water-fascination may not be that big of a surprise, since these tail-free cats lived long by the sea, on Great Britain’s Isle of Man. Norwegian forest cats are excellent hunters that are known to catch birds, rodents and fish — so be wary of letting yours too close to the aquarium or koi pond. The Bengal is a descendant of domestic cat/Asian Leopard cat crosses. Big Cat Home Tour: Manny Jaguar . Ararat, the cats leaped into the water and swam to shore. Some cats are such sissies around water that they don’t even bother fish. The “Coon” part of the name is said to stem from the myth that the cat descends from cat/raccoon hybrids, which are biologically impossible. … It can have short or long hair, and shorthaired cats are the more common type. In addition to loving to climb, this breed is also often drawn to water. Some Maine Coon owners say they’ve taken to keeping their cats’ water bowls inside enclosures to help contain the splatter. Behaviorally cats are generally less tolerant of … This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Typically, Bengals that are kept as pets are at least four generations (F4) removed from the leopard cat; however, some states consider them an exotic breed and forbid residents from owning them. Similarly, they have learned to keep toilet seats down to keep their cat from taking a dip. The Bengal is a hybrid breed of domestic cat that results from crossing a domestic feline with an Asian leopard cat. The Manx’s short tail is the result of a genetic mutation that was intensified by the cats’ remote location on the Isle of Man, and perhaps the fact that the breed derived from an island explains their attraction to water. While many are affectionate, some are one-person cats. 1. One of the things that most characterize the Norwegian forest cat is its desire for water, being one of the breeds of… As a general rule, those that evolved to live in colder climates do not like water, because it interferes with their thick layers of insulating fur. Norwegian Forest Cats are affectionate and playful. take the tiger for instence, sometimes they go for daily baths. Among the larger cat species, there seems to be a clear split between cats that like water and cats that don't. They are healthy, active, and vocal cats. While they are most often pure white, they can come in a variety of colors and patterns. BIG CAT TV is a close look into our day-to-day operations, the conservation efforts we support, and the 100+ feline residents of "Big Cat Rescue" in Tampa, FL. SOTHC Answer has 3 votes SOTHC 17 year member 772 replies Answer has 3 votes. #AdventureCats Browse more videos. Don’t be surprised if your Bobtail happily dunks his toy mouse in his water bowl. According to the Vetstreet breed description, the first Bengals were bred in the 1960s. Do Big Cats Like Water? In addition, unlike many other animals, cats generally don’t need to bathe in water to keep clean. Norwegian forest cats crave companionship, but they won’t demand constant attention, and while they’re not known to be a chatty breed, they’ll sometimes make a unique chirping sound when excited. Conditions at Lake Van doubtless encouraged the cats to develop their famed swimming ability. We all know domestic cats don’t really like water? The following video shows a young Bengal enjoying his first trip to the beach. Also, if you have your heart set on one of these breeds, we urge you to adopt from a breed-specific rescue group and skip the breeders. In fact there are a number of wild cats that swim. Manx cats are affectionate and active. It’s well-known that cats hate water. Like the American Bobtail, these short-tailed cats are often drawn to water. Do Big Cats Like Water? Cat Breeds that Like Water According to The Cat Fancier’s Association, there are many cat breeds that like to get wet, to varying degrees. The first color is the oldest, most common, and most cougar-like. By contrast, cats that live in cooler climates, like snow leopards or lynx, avoid getting wet, for soaked fur would impair their ability to stay warm. In addition to being a skilled swimmer, the Norwegian Forest Cat is a capable fisher and climber. While other species of animals (such as humans) clean themselves with water, it is not necessary for cats to do so. take the tiger for instence, sometimes they go for daily baths. Like the Japanese Bobtail, they originated on an island. The Cattery River’s Village, which breeds Norwegian Forest Cats, posted a video of a kitten playing with running water in a sink. They will try to reach the fish in the tank – and then give up after getting their paws wet. TeamUSASportsFan says: March 15, 2020 at 12:02 am Cats are feisty for their various sizes. Although it was developed in the 1960s, it is only starting to attract attention through its wild looks and friendly personality. Main Coons are famous for their size; they are the largest of the domestic cats. The distinctive Bengal is gentle and frisky and requires a lot of attention from its owner. The Abyssinian is another cat that frequently appears on lists of water-loving cat breeds. They’ll splash in sinks, and may come running when they hear the sound of the shower. About a century later, geneticists traced the cat’s ancestry to parts of Southeast Asia and the coast of the Indian Ocean. Their tongue boasts a bunch of papillae that are shaped like hooks that can remove dirt and untangle knots. : 148. They respond well to clicker-training and love to climb. Krieger has seen many cats that like water, but most of them enjoy playing with water from faucets or fountains. Not all cats are content to simply watch the world through the window. In addition, they’re also providing an honorable mention award to one lucky winner. Carole Baskin | July 17, 2014 15 Views 0 Likes 0 Ratings . American Bobtails can be large and look somewhat like bobcats. Then you’ve got these guys. They like to dunk things in their water dish – as if they were raccoons rather than cats – and they like to play with dripping faucets. The following video shows two Japanese Bobtails wading in the bathtub, while a pair of bemused Siamese watch: The Turkish Angora is yet another breed that enjoys playing with water. It's unlikely that you'd want to dive into a big plate of spoiled food … They’re also easy to train and enjoy playing fetch and walking on a leash. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Turkish Angoras are small and slim cats with long and silky fur. But that isn't the American Bobtail's only doglike behavior. Timmie Ralph. You may have heard that cats don’t like water. Ararat. They also have a reputation for rambunctiousness, and a bored Abyssinian can become destructive. While they aren’t lapping cats, Abyssinians are affectionate and want their owner to join them in their games. In the summer, conditions can soar to over 100° F, so the cats likely learned to swim to keep cool. It is known for such raccoon-like behaviors as dunking items in its water dish or scooping water with their paws to drink it. What big cats are afraid of water like domestic cats are? While it is famous for being tailless, Manx can have tails of varying lengths, and they are divided into four categories. Life expectancy: Around 15 yearsSiberians are medium to large muscular cats originating from Russia.Their eyes are mostly round and can be any color, though some Siberians have blue eyes or one eye of a different color.Their ears appear pointed because of extra hair found in and around the ears, but the edges are rounded and may have Lyn… 38 thoughts on “ Do Big Cats Like Water? Fortunately, they do not need to. They’re extremely active and intelligent cats that will stalk their toys, play fetch and sometimes even turn on the faucet when they want to splash around. Many feline species actually do like water. Unlike most cats, it tends to be a good traveler. Like big cats, small wild cats face many conservation threats, including habitat loss, poaching and loss of prey. The fishing cat is one- they have webbed feet and dive in the water to catch fish. These energetic felines are constantly in motion — jumping, climbing, chasing and swatting — and require a lot of interaction. Yes, cats make “It’s Meownday? According to Dr. Ruth MacPete, a veterinarian who writes for the Pet Health Network, wild cats’ attitude towards water depends on the climate of their home. Like the Maine Coon, the Norwegian Forest Cat is a big cat with a long, thick coat. Reply. So if you’re looking for a feline friend to accompany you on paddling expeditions, these breeds might be your best bet. Bombay cats won’t mind staying in the bathtub for hours, but remember to supervise them when they go crazy in the water. Reach for your dreams. The Japanese Bobtail is a small cat; adults generally weigh between five and ten pounds. few cats actually like to swim/ go in the water. 6. Some breeds are known to like water more than others. There are even some that are known to partake in the occasional swim. Question #71452. Your email address will not be published. According to, the Maine Coon was probably the descendant of ship’s cats brought to the colonies in New England. There are also specific breeds that love water! Abyssinians have an unusual affinity for water and enjoy large water bowls or even a fountain to splash in. The Turkish Angora is another old breed. !” faces, too. Pet Bengals are typically at least four generations removed from their wild ancestors, while cats that are more closely related to the Asian Leopard cat are used as breeding stock. They’re very social cats, but while they appreciate attention and affection, they’re typically not lap cats. As part of their sponsorship, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be able to visit the sanctuary for FREE! Domestic cats that don’t like water Today, most domestic cats would rather not bathe in, swim in or otherwise interact with water. What are some cat breeds that like water? Turkish Vans are also known for their novel coat pattern; they are largely white but have a colored tail and markings on their head. It turns out that some cat breeds don’t mind water at all. Your email address will not be published. These silky-coated kitties also come from Turkey, and while they may look delicate, they’re strong, willful cats that require interactive play. as for why cats don't like water i don't know Three reasons why most cats don’t like the water 1. There are 38 species of cats on the planet. These intelligent cats are fascinated by water, which perhaps stems from the breed’s history of working as pest control on ships. To encourage … Answer (1 of 2): What breeds of cats like water? Two Bobcats Become Best Friends . These fascinating black beauties have amazing personalities. Report. According to the CFA breed description, English soldiers brought the Abyssinian to England during the second half of the 19th century. The breed has existed for centuries. Turkish Vans also have large paws and powerful hind legs, making them impressive jumpers and climbers. They have long, thick, and water-resistant fur that can come in almost any color or pattern except pointed like a Siamese or ticked like an Abyssinian. Outdoor Turkish Angoras have even been known to paddle in shallow ponds and streams. The Japanese Bobtail often appears on lists of water-loving cats. The Savannah cat, like the Bengal, is more closely related to wild cats than most domestic breeds, which accounts for their striking coats and distinctive facial features. They can often be found playing with water, and are also one of the few breeds of cat that enjoys being bathed. These intelligent cats are fascinated by water, which perhaps stems from the breed’s history of working as pest control on ships. The Petfinder breed description states that the American Bobtail probably owes its short tail to a mutation. Reply. … We decided to give kid’s pools to some of our cats to find out! Vote for this answer. They may not jump in the pool or join you for a bath; however, they will dunk their paws in their water dish, the toilet, your glass — whatever they can find. Over time, Turkish Vans developed a long water-resistant coat that is sometimes said to feel like cashmere. They’re very clever and easily trained, and they’ll often bond with one particular person in a family, becoming their constant companion. Conservation Status: Least Concern. Height: 13 inches 2. Domestic cats are descended from the Near Eastern wildcat (Felis lybica lybica), which still lives in the Middle East. This year, we’re happy to announce that Big Cat Rescue has sponsored the program. They can have either long or short fur that comes in a variety of colors and patterns. Manx cats owe their tendency to taillessness to a mutation. They are also intelligent, and some have even figured out how to turn on faucets in order to play with the resulting stream of water. Why do cats hate water when their bigger cousins like the tiger, bobcat, or leopard don't mind taking a dip to cool off or catch prey? Cats who have had positive experiences around and in water, especially during their key socialization period (early socialization occurs between 3 and 8 weeks, late socialization between 9 and 16 weeks), often like water. The Petfinder breed description includes a legend that claims that the Turkish Van was among the animals traveling on Noah’s Ark.