In April 2018, the European Commission presented their strategy to increase the coordination of investment for research and innovation for AI, with an aim of reaching at least US$22.5 billion (€20 billion) by the end of 2020, and more than US$22.5 billion per year over the following decade. La Chine a actuellement le superordinateur le plus rapide et il construit le centre de recherche le plus avancé au monde afin de développer des ordinateurs quantiques encore plus rapides. This does not fully reflect the efforts of the government to foster and apply new and emerging technologies, through programmes such as the creation of ‘hi-tech parks’, in a bid to become the Silicon Valley of Eastern Europe. We did not attempt to estimate missing data points as we did not feel able to carry out the interpolation sufficiently accurately, and we felt that the absence of this data from the Index was itself revealing. about AI, particularly explainability. In the same month, the EU member states signed a Declaration of Cooperation on AI, pledging to work together to share research and findings. The region’s overall average score is 5.52, which is higher than the global average of 4.03. The way forward is still uncertain. Intelligence is to be attributed to the exponential growth of “datafication” 4. An EU-funded project is developing a way to speed up traffic at the EU's external borders and ramp up security using an automated border-control system that will put travellers to the test using lie-detecting avatars. The high rankings of many Western European governments reflect the generally efficient governance and innovative private sectors across the region, as well as the existence of a number of national AI strategies. We are well aware that the Government AI Readiness Index does not show a complete picture; rather it simply shows one specifically quantitative way of viewing a government’s AI readiness. As we could not find a more complete dataset or proxy to sufficiently capture data availability, we made the decision to use the OKFN dataset, despite the missing data points. Finland’s high score is partly explained by the Finnish Government’s stated goal of becoming a global leader in AI. Artificial intelligence is a recurrent theme in science fiction, whether utopian, emphasising the potential benefits, or dystopian, emphasising the dangers.. concrete policies to advance AI, such as spurring public sector AI adoption and allocating new funding for AI R&D, rather than simply repurposing existing funds. estimated that Russia currently spends US$12.5 million a year on AI research, mostly focused on education and military Nevertheless, this could come at the cost of significant social consequences, considering the structural inequality and democratic deficit in the region. Artificial intelligence is the effort to create computers capable of intelligent behavior. How to decrease the costs and speed up projects are central questions for all pharmaceutical companies. As in other regions, AI technologies could help to enhance government effectiveness, improve transparency, and revolutionise the economy. Les pays mentionnés ont par ailleurs mis à profit l’intelligence artificielle notamment pour identifier les chaînes de transmissions possibles pour chaque cas positifs (avec les smartphones, on peut par exemple faire l’inventaire des déplacements et donc des contacts que les personnes infectées ont eu avec d’autres personnes dans les 48h précédent l’apparition des symptômes). By Fabrizio Scrollini The rise of artificial intelligence poses several promises and risks for Latin American governments and societies. Other examples include the University of Lagos, which launched Nigeria’s first AI hub in June 2018 to develop the country’s AI sector and skills. Le département, qui supervise tout ce qui concerne la sécurité nationale et les forces armées américaines, a eu l’idée de créer un centre axé sur l’intelligence artificielle … One of the biggest challenges facing the characterisation of AI activities and readiness in Africa is a lack of systematic study on the topic. 6128, succ. In the short- to medium-term, the Middle Eastern economies will need to focus heavily on attracting and retaining foreign talent (which is already in short supply) and companies. The Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence In response to the changing threat landscape we make four high-level recommendations: 1. Similarly, for AI industries to succeed, governments will have to pay particular attention to increasing both the ‘datafication’ (or ability to capture data) of their economies, and the availability of data. At the same time, these governments have to prepare their societies to adapt to potential disruptions resulting from widespread AI adoption. This is a proxy for both government innovation, as well as technical capacity to build and run AI tools, A composite measure of three dimensions of e-government: online services, telecommunication connectivity and human capacity. RCAI is the biennial conference organized by Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence, National Research University Higher School of Economics and The Institute of Information and Communication Technologies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and held since 1988. Major developments In the two first decades of 21st century the confluence of machine learning and the large datasets results to an increased number of products and services, in public and ... des algorithmes et de l’intelligence artificielle, Decembre 2017, p. … Usually, a few governments take the lead in terms of policy making and agenda setting, and then other countries in the region later follow their example. By Yaera Chung This year’s Government AI Readiness Index for Eastern Europe covers 23 countries across the region. Like all indexes, however, it does not capture the full complexity of the picture on the ground. However, the American AI Initiative is considerably less comprehensive than the AI strategies of other leading nations, lacking new funding and with few tangible policy objectives. Édouard-Montpetit 3ème étage, bureau 313 Montréal (Québec) H3T 1J7 Canada. Intelligence Artificielle LIVRE BLANC N°01 Les défis actuels et l’action d’Inria 2. A particular focus of the Recommendation is the development of metrics to measure AI research, development and deployment, and to gather the evidence base to assess progress in its implementation. There are a number of things that might make a government AI ready that are unquantifiable, and therefore out of the scope of our study. To date, it has been difficult for them to identify local technical, knowledge and social partners to develop AI projects with. The government produced a number of reports and papers explaining the national approach to AI in 2018. Formerly known as Microsoft Innovation Center Brussels. With recent progress in graphics, it has become more tractable to train models on synthetic images, potentially avoiding the need for expensive annotations. programmes in schools and at the undergraduate level. Empowering people, businesses and organizations through technology. Fabrizio Scrollini is the Executive Director of the Latin American Open Data Initiative (ILDA). Finland is also working with Estonia and Sweden to test trial AI applications, in an effort to become Europe’s ‘No. Given how aggressively Canada is courting high-skilled AI talent, the country will likely see a considerable growth in its domestic AI industry in the coming years. By Emma Martinho-Truswell Australia and New Zealand both rank relatively well in the 2019 Government AI Readiness Index at 11th and 13th places respectively, with almost identical scores. The UK’s position as regional leader has been cemented in part through a concerted policy effort around AI over the last year. The age of AI is coming, and our intended contribution, through the Index, is to encourage all governments - whether in the Global North or South - to be as prepared as possible to help their citizens take advantage of the benefits of automation, while protecting them from its associated risks. The top five ranked governments in the region - Estonia, Poland, Russia, the Czech Republic, and Latvia - are already making advances in AI policy, as they have either adopted national AI strategies or announced plans to do so in the near future. Considering the disparities highlighted in this report, policymakers should act to ensure that global inequalities are not further entrenched or exacerbated by AI. Yaera Chung is a Consultant working on Innovations for Data and Civic Engagement within the Open Government and Accountable Institutions team at the UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub. Before 2018 despite the international status of the conference proceedings were published in Russian and were indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index. 84, October 2018. Download archived security intelligence reports Since 2005 we’ve published more than 12,000 pages of insights, hundreds of blog posts, and thousands of briefings. Sriganesh Lokanathan is a Team Leader at LIRNEasia, where he co-established and leads LIRNEasia’s research on responsibly leveraging big data and AI for global development. 12.30 - Discussion I discussants - Rachele Raus, Micaela Rossi, Maria Teresa Zanola This has led to the United States falling behind other nations in terms of data availability, but this new legislation could make the United States even more competitive in the coming years. A surprising outcome is China’s relatively low position of 20th, even though central and local governments are already implementing AI in public service delivery. With the spectre of Brexit on the horizon, the UK would do well to ensure it builds more of these bilateral relationships around AI research and policy, to help maintain its strong position. It is innovative measures like these which help account for Finland’s high ranking, despite its relatively small economy. artiflcial intelligence for citizen services and government 5 between 96.7 million and 1.2 billion hours annually, with potential savings between $3.3 billion and $41.1 billion, respectively.8 AI is not new to government. Singapore is taking a different approach from China’s, and is paying heed to managing community concerns around AI. Estonia is ranked first in the region (and 23rd globally), which is little surprise given " the way it has embraced digital technologies We divided the countries by region, principally following UN groupings, with the chief exception of the Western European and Others Group, which we separated to allow more in-depth analysis of higher scoring governments. Ghana’s relatively low score, for example, does not acknowledge developments such as Google recently choosing to open the first AI research facility in Africa there. As a platform for scholars interested in the law and economics of innovation, it aims at discussing those issues with rigor and depth! Policymakers should collaborate closely with technical researchers to investigate, prevent, and mitigate potential malicious uses of AI. AI centres could help to foster much of the innovation and networking required to address social and economic issues through new applications of these technologies. The country also launched a global online course called ‘Elements of AI’ n 2018, intended to teach people about AI for free. Le paieme… Montreal, Quebec, Canada – October 18, 2018– Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. announced that it is establishing another artificial intelligence (AI) centre in Montreal, the second biggest city in Canada and home to one of the world’s fastest growing AI communities. As a starting point, we wanted this year’s Index to be more globally representative than the previous group of OECD governments, so we have included all UN countries, plus Taiwan.
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