Same script, same settings: "Run with no switches". PURPOSE: Create a clean, professional looking W10 experience. You rock! That way you don't have to remember to set the execution policy back to restricted after you run the script. You must have administrator rights to import a l… . Thank you very much! powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File %USERPROFILE%\desktop\Win10Cleanup.ps1 -AllUsers. One issue I am having is apps like Xbox Microsoft soltiare are remaining. Does the appsonly include those three as well? -clearstart: Empties the start menu completely leaving you with just the apps list. They are set to restricted by default in this script. Removes all UWP apps except for some useful ones and ones you specify. So the -allapps isn't an option. A modified version of this script is part of my MDT deployment sequences for Windows 10. Other. -allapps: Removes ALL apps including the store. ... You can run power shell scripts. This is one of my first PowerShell GUI scripts that I’ve been working on for a couple months. It is the best place to do so as I don't check the comments section here that often. Some of it you can uninstall; some you cannot (cough Your Phone cough). - Relating to the above point, running from an established user profile is not the recommended way. Universal Windows Downloader 0.2 » Comment Rules & Etiquette - We welcome all comments from our readers, but any comment section requires some moderation. Télécharger PC Decrapifier : Supprimer les logiciels indésirables ou installés par défaut + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I did it on a fresh install as you suggested. Remove # built-in advertising, Cortana, OneDrive, Cortana stuff # (all optional). Powershell PC Decrapifier wordt niet meer ontwikkeld en is niet meer te downloaden! Please follow the how-to for best results. I used an audio test website that somehow was able to see the audio just fine, which I thought was strange. level 2. # Change many privacy settings to be off by default. Worked great on my laptop, and on a VM I used to make it. *Edit - Version dated 4/7/17 has addressed the issue with the -allusers switch. You're In Control This script is just wonderful and very helpful! This is what you see when you expand the C: drive. Disable some data collection. This way, no surprises! I've used the Windows 10 Decrapifier script over a dozen times now without any issues. Remember this script NEEDS to be run as admin in order to function properly. Error:, Old Links: Running the script twice will result in the same error but it seems that all the APPS are removed. Decrapifier for Windows 10 Universal Apps Are there any similar utilities to the venerable "PC Decrapifier" but for Windows Store Apps instead? I really do appreciate what you do! Please understand the risks before using it. The Import-StartLayoutcmdlet imports the specified layout of Start into a mounted Windows image.When you import a layout, it replaces the existing layout of Start for the default user profile. Awesome Job! #Powershell; #Windows 10; Trying to Debloat Windows 10 is getting ridiculous and as a system admin it is soul crushing to see all that performance go to waste on the botched attempt by Microsoft to do an Appstore and its apps (I’m looking at you Candy Crush). Thanks. etc. Software-update: PC Decrapifier 2.10 Afgelopen zaterdag is versie 2.1.0 van PC Decrapifier uitgekomen. 2. PowerShell, as you may have known, allows you to uninstall individual apps or all apps using a single command. This is the final version of Decrapifier version 2. what happened to the -allusers switch? #Windows 10 Decrapifier 1803/1809 # By CSAND # Oct 5 2018 # PURPOSE: Eliminate much of the bloat that comes with Windows 10. The community is home to millions of IT Pros in small-to-medium businesses. Decrapifier user group: The -Allusers switch just does the current user and the default account for apps, but changes some settings on the local machine which would affect existing users too. Love the script. Changes some settings no longer available via GPO for Professional edition. Join the Spiceworks community group for help or to make suggestions! Not tested on upgraded machines from 8/7.-----INSTRUCTIONS: *Open administrative Powershell console (type Powershell into the search bar, right click it, run as administrator) get-executionpolicy Make sure you test this thoroughly if … This script has not been checked by Spiceworks. It's designed for optimizing Windows 10 for a VDI deployment so there are a lot of tweaks performed in addition to the basics like removing the included Universal Apps. > ... How to open an elevated PowerShell Admin prompt in Windows 10. Because it runs in script forms, users … :(. Windows 10 Decrapifier issues. -------------------------------------------------------- Remember people read the script through before you run it folks, it's all commented and might save you some surprises :). This script ROCKS!! This is just what I was looking for. It sees my audio device, however it no longer shows any signs of a signal, neither in the standard windows audio device menus, or discord, which is primarily where I use my mic. Hi all and good day to ya. It can remove apps only from current and default user. Make sure this is what you want before you do it. There is only one problem. -settingsonly: Only adjusts privacy settings, services, and scheduled tasks. . Windows 10 Decrapifier for 18XX/19XX/2XXX You can add to this list, for example, Camera and Microphone were added by me. Script to remove Windows 10 bloatware. Then the script runs fine without errors but when i reboot everything is still there. Windows 10 Powershell to remove all bloatware apps Because why do we want Twitter on Windows 10 Pro...or an xbox app...or 800 other things This doesn't disable the … # Disable some data collection. Now in Windows 10 there is a pretty good tool in Settings > Storage. **Edit** There is no typo in the script. For that, see Installing PowerShell Core on Windows. Courses., Single machine how-to: It works perfect on new machines. Only thing i could not yet manage to make it clean an already created profile of an domain user who has no admin rights. The scripts seems to be not working with Windows 10 Pro from the latest MSDN ISO: Hi, thanks for the great script! Thanks for sharing! To get existing accounts, your way is probably the best way. It still works, but I am not updating it anymore, and it hasn't been tested after 1607. UNDO: Choose to keep your files. I'll throw this script on a VM and test it out. Windows 10 crAPP Remover / Decrapifier GUI Microsoft Great free PowerShell script for removing all the Windows 10 crAPPs, decrapifying, decluttering, increasing life / battery life, and securing Windows. Remove built-in advertising, Cortana, OneDrive, Cortana stuff (all optional). Editable variables are near the top of the script. Windows10Debloater is a free collection of PowerShell scripts that administrators may run on Windows 10 PCs to remove certain components from these systems that come preinstalled with them. It was the link that was added at the bottom. I have my own script with similar purpose (I have even took some code from your previous script, thanks for that too :)) and I had to put a bat file to every user's autorun folder with my script. Windows 10 crAPP Remover / Decrapifier GUI Microsoft Great free PowerShell script for removing all the Windows 10 crAPPs, decrapifying, decluttering, increasing life / battery life, and securing Windows. But i think there is a problem with removing apps from all users. PC Decrapifier voor Windows., -------------------------------------------------------------------------------. -appaccess: Leaves privacy/access options alone - depending on your usage, some issues can be prevented by leaving them with default (unrestricted) permissions. Creating your account only takes a few minutes. This is what you see in the Fall Creators Update, Settings > Storage:.. #Windows 10 Decrapifier 2.0: ... Once I figured out the Powershell steps this ran without issue. Super Easy. MDT how-to (old, no longer supporting this although it will work): ), REST APIs, and object models. Basically anything I could mess around with in settings I did to no avail. Powershell This is problem with Windows 10 when uninstalling apps via Powershell, I have had it happen once before... but not lately (perhaps M$ fixed it in a patch). > Great job! Other. PAUSE...and it will call the decrapifier script from the desktop with Powershell set to Unrestricted Execution for that session only. There is certainly no shortage when it comes to programs that remove Windows 10 apps and other components that some users and administrators consider bloatware. Simulation: Download en_windows_10_consumer_edition_version_1803_updated_jul_2018_x64_dvd A cleanup script for Windows 10 18XX/19XX/2XXX aiming to get a decluttered default experience on regular Pro or Enterprise installs. Can be used with all others (-allapps won't do anything in that case). Windows 10 Settings Storage Graphical View of Space Used. #Windows 10 Decrapifier 1803/1809#By CSAND #June 21 2019 # # #PURPOSE: Eliminate much of the bloat that comes with Windows 10. Version 2 is still available and works great on those older Windows builds. -------------------------------------------------------- $GoodApps = "camera|microphone|store|calculator|sticky||soundrecorder|mspaint" The - appaccess switch will bypass this behaviour. The Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet changes PowerShell execution policies for Windows computers. This is for 1709 and previous ONLY and not recommended for anything later. It takes you step by step, giving you recommendations on what to remove, many of which can be removed unattended. This worked great! This batch file will clean those out:,,,, Let me know what you think below!,,,, I've been trying to do something like this myself, you've saved me many hours of time.
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