Mansa Musa), holding a gold nugget. A translation of al-Bakri's 1068 account is found in Levtzion & Hopkins, (2000. It is drained by the 1,800 km-long Senegal river, the second longest river of West Africa, and its main tributaries, the Bafing, Bakoye and Faleme Rivers, all The Senegal River is formed by the confluence of two smaller rivers, the Bafing and Bakoye, which occurs near Bafoulabé, Mali, at about 1,083 km from the Atlantic Ocean. (1899) "Introduction" to vol. 1 After crossing western Mali, the Senegal River constitutes the boundary between Senegal and Mauritania. The golden round island at the mouth of the Senegal River is the indication (customary on portolan charts) of river mouth bars or islands - in this case, probably a reference to the Langue de Barbarie or the island of Saint-Louis). [21] Chronicler Gomes Eanes de Zurara, writing in 1453, still called it the "Nile River", but Alvise Cadamosto, writing in the 1460s, was already calling it the "Senega" [sic], and it is denoted as Rio do Çanagà on most subsequent Portuguese maps of the age. There was trade from here to the Mediterranean World, until the destruction of Carthage and its west African trade net in 146 BCE. La source aux lamantins is a small minimalist eco- ressort and one of his guift is that we offer a simple authentic personnal fitted service. South of them (barely visible) are what seem like the towns of Kukiya (on the eastern shore of the Island of Gold), and east of that, probably Sokoto (called "Zogde" in the Catalan Atlas) and much further southeast, probably Kano.[18]. Senegal’s two primary rivers, the Senegal and the Gambia, could produce up to 1,4000 MW of electricity with appropriate infrastructure and distribution lines. Descente sur le fleuve Niger - Duration: 40:12. Realizing the mistake, Henry kept pressing his captains further down the coast, and in 1445, the Portuguese captain Nuno Tristão finally reached the Langue de Barbarie, where he noticed the desert end and the treeline begin, and the population change from 'tawny' Sanhaja Berbers to 'black' Wolof people. Ainsi, au Sénégal, la source hydraulique ne représentera jamais plus de 10% de l’énergie consommée. (Organisation pour la mise en valeur du fleuve Sénégal, OMVS)] General context Location and major physical characteristics The Senegal River basin is located in West Africa. [27] His contemporary, Damião de Góis (1567) records it as Sonedech (from "sunu dekh", Wolof for "our river"). Portuguese chronicler João de Barros (writing in 1552) says the river's original local Wolof name was Ovedech (which according to one source, comes from "vi-dekh", Wolof for "this river"). Le fleuve est encore assez mal connu et mal cartographié[1]. Le Sénégal est un fleuve d'Afrique de l'Ouest au régime tropical, long de 1 750 kilomètres, qui prend sa source en Guinée à 750 mètres d'altitude. The banks of the River Senegal provide fertile ground with a lot of agriculture. The Trans-Saharan stories about the "River of Gold" reached the ears of Sub-Alpine European merchants that frequented the ports of Morocco and the lure proved irresistible. The very next year, in 1446, the Portuguese slave-raiding fleet of Lançarote de Freitas arrived at the mouth of the Senegal. From this same source also flows north the White Nile towards Egypt, which forms the frontier between the Muslim "king of Nubia" ("Rex Onubia", his range depicted by crescent-on-gold banners) and the Christian Prester John ("Preste Joha"), i.e. SAED, Vallée du fleuve SénéGal - La Compétitivité du riz local [REPORTAGE] - Duration: 6:41. [26] However, the contemporary African atlas of Venetian cartographer Livio Sanuto, published in 1588, sketches the Senegal, the Niger and the Gambia as three separate, parallel rivers. Améliorez sa vérifiabilité en les associant par des références à l'aide d'appels de notes. [13] The portolan chart of Giovanni da Carignano (1310s-20s) has the river with the label, iste fluuis exit de nilo ubi multum aurum repperitur.[14]. Pendant les périodes de très grande sécheresse, la faiblesse du débit permet parfois le franchissement du fleuve à gué. The aquatic fauna in the Senegal River basin is closely associated with that of the Gambia River basin, and the two are usually combined under a single ecoregion known as the Senegal-Gambia Catchments. The Senegal's headwaters are the Semefé (Bakoye) and Bafing rivers which both originate in Guinea; they form a small part of the Guinea–Mali border before coming together at Bafoulabé in Mali. It was believed to be either a western branch of the Egyptian Nile River or drawn from the same source (variously conjectured to some great internal lakes of the Mountains of the Moon, or Ptolemy's Gir (Γειρ)[8] or the Biblical Gihon stream). See Leo Africanus, (Ital: Barros, p.109. [6] Early Arab geographers believed the upper Senegal River and the upper Niger River were connected to each other, and formed a single river flowing from east to west, which they called the "Western Nile". Le fleuve Sénégal est constitué par trois affluents (Bafing, Bakoye et Falémé) qui prennent tous leur source dans le massif du Fouta Djallon en République de Guinée. Le Sénégal est un fleuve de l'Afrique occidentale, long de 1700 km. Guinea joined in 2005. Source: Tappan et al. Le fleuve traverse plusieurs pays dont : la Guinée, pays où il prend sa source ensuite il passe par le territoire du Mali, puis il traverse la Mauritanie et termine par le Sénégal. Coordonnées 12° 33′ 22″ N, 16° 45′ 44″ O Géographie Pays traversés Sénégal Sources: Google Maps modifier Le Casamance est un fleuve du Sénégal . There is an unlabeled depiction of a black African man on a camel traveling from "Uuegar" (prob. Shortly after (possibly still within that same year) another captain, Dinis Dias (sometimes given as Dinis Fernandes) was the first known European since antiquity to finally reach the mouth of the Senegal River. Changes in the flow regime of the Senegal River have occurred, both as a consequence of regional [25] Much the same story is repeated by Marmol in 1573, with the additional note that both the Senegal River and Gambia River were tributaries of the Niger River. OMVG Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du fleuve Gambie (Organization for the Development of the Valley of River Gambia) OMVS Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du fleuve Sénégal ((Organization for the Development of the Valley of River Senegal) OPTIC Organisation des Professionnels des Technologies de l’Information et des La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 27 novembre 2020 à 06:02. : At the Battle of Tangdao and the Battle of Caishi along the Yangtze River, Jin forces were defeated by the Southern Song navy. Son régime est très irrégulier et dépend entièrement des pluies de mousson. Lors des batailles de Tangdao et Caishi sur le fleuve Yangzi Jiang, les forces Jin sont battues par la marine des Song du Sud. Sa longueur totale est de 1 800 km et son bassin couvre une su perficie de 300 000 km2. [17] Curiously, there is a defiant gold-bannered town south of the river, labelled "tegezeut" (probably the Ta'adjast of al-Idrisi), and might be an ichoate reference to Djenné. The 1351 Medici-Laurentian Atlas shows both the Egyptian Nile and the western Nile stemming from the same internal mountain range, with the note that "Ilic coligitur aureaum". He didn't get very far. Depuis 1972, les États riverains du fleuve Sénégal (Mali, Mauritanie et Sénégal) se sont organisés au sein de l'OMVS (Organisation pour la mise en valeur du fleuve Sénégal) pour mettre en valeur le bassin du fleuve et exploiter rationnellement ses ressources (énergie, navigation, irrigation, etc.) Monteil, Vincent (1968) "al-Bakri (Cordoue, 1068) - Routier de l'Afrique blanche et noire du Nord-Ouest: Traduction nouvelle de seize chapitres, sur le MS arabe 17 Bd PSS/902 du British Museum". [37] The "our canoe" theory has been popularly embraced in modern Senegal for its charm and appeal to national solidarity ("we're all in one canoe", etc.). Le fleuve Sénégal, principale source d'eau potable pour le Sénégal et la Mauritanie est en danger du fait de l'existence de nombreuses activités d'orpaillage dans la région. In between is the Félou Hydroelectric Plant, built in 1927, but replaced in 2014. Figure A7.3. North of the Senegal the Sahara reaches the coast, and for over 1000 miles no river enters the Atlantic Ocean. In 1346, the Majorcan sailor, Jaume Ferrer set out on a galley with the explicit objective of finding the "River of Gold" (Riu de l'Or), where he heard that most people along its shores were engaged in the collection of gold and that the river was wide and deep enough for the largest ships. In Manding languages, Bakoye signifies 'white river', Bafing 'black river' and Baloué 'red river'. Mauro names the two parallel rivers differently,calling one "flumen Mas ("Mas River"), the other the "canal dal oro" ("Channel of Gold"), and makes the note that "Inne larena de questi do fiume se trova oro de paiola" ("In the sands of both these rivers gold of 'palola' may be found"), and nearer to the sea, "Qui se racoce oro" ("Here gold is collected"), and finally, on the coast, "Terra de Palmear" ("Land of Palms"). [38], A strong challenge to this theory is that "Senegal" is much older, and might derive from "Sanghana" (also given as Isenghan, Asengan, Singhanah), a city described by the Arab historian al-Bakri in 1068 as located by the mouth of the Senegal River (straddling both banks) and the capital of a local kingdom. Il arrose le Mali, puis la Mauritanie et le Sénégal, tout en servant de frontière entre ces deux pays, avant de se jeter dans l'océan Atlantique à Saint-Louis. After 200 km the two branches rejoin a few kilometers downstream of Pondor. Depository Mauritania Language French Subject Water Keyword Freshwater resources management International basin institution Policy/planning Institution International agreement-text Basin/catchment/watershed River basin institution Geographical area Winter, H. (1962) "The Fra Mauro Portolan Chart in the Vatican", This page was last edited on 11 November 2020, at 10:37. But they are also – somewhat expectedly – enabling women to access and control land, although with limitations. In the Hereford Mappa Mundi (c. 1300), there is a river labelled "Nilus Fluvius" drawn parallel to the coast of Africa, albeit without communication with Atlantic (it ends in a lake). Sometime between 1448 and 1455, the Portuguese captain Lourenço Dias opened regular trade contact on the Senegal River, with the Wolof statelets of Waalo (near the mouth of the Senegal River) and Cayor (a little below that), drumming up a profitable business exchanging Mediterranean goods (notably, horses) for gold and slaves. In the Early Middle Ages (c. 800 CE), the Senegal River restored contact with the Mediterranean world with the establishment of the Trans-Saharan trade route between Morocco and the Ghana Empire. [23] He also notes that the Senegal was called "the Niger" by the ancients - probably a reference to Ptolemy's legendary 'Nigir' (Νιγειρ)[24] (below the Gir), which would be later identified by Leo Africanus with the modern Niger River. "'Histoire du commerce entre le Levant et l'Europe' in 1831. Les banques du fleuve Sénégal fournir un terrain fertile avec beaucoup de l'agriculture. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. - Au Sénégal, le sommet de l’Organisation de mise en valeur du fleuve Sénégal s'est achevé dimanche 25 octobre. [33] Curiously, Budomel is reminiscent of Vedamel already used by the Genoese back in the 14th century as an alternative name of the Senegal River. The construction of the Gouina Hydroelectric Plant upstream of Felou at Gouina Falls began in 2013. [34] It is almost certain that the Genoese "Vedamel" are corruptions from the Arabic, either Wad al-mal ("River of Treasure", i.e. En aval de Bafoulabé, en rive droite, les principaux affluents du fleuve Sénégal sont la Kolombiné, le Karakoro et le Gorgol. (1981) "A Reconsideration of the Wangara/Palolus Island of Gold". the ruler of Senegalese river state of Waalo bears the title 'Brak', and Cadamosto gives the personal name of the Senegal river chieftain as "Zucholin"). There are extensive notes about the plentifulness of ivory and gold in the area, including a note that reads, "This river is called Wad al-Nil and also is called the River of Gold, for one can here obtain the gold of Palolus. Le Bafing, qui apporte la moitié des eaux du fleuve est ainsi considéré comme la branche mère. Le Sénégal se forme en fait à Bafoulabé, au Mali, par la confluence de deux rivières qui descendent du massif du Fouta-Djalon, le Bafing et le Bakoye (grossi du Baoulé). Il prend sa source dans le Fouta-Djalon en Guinée, traverse la partie occidentale du Mali, forme ensuite la frontière entre la Mauritanie et le Sénégal, se jette dans l’océan Atlantique à environ 25 km en aval de Saint-Louis du Sénégal. Bassin versant du fleuve Sénégal : Découpage en sous-bassins et en domaines climatiques (Source : Base de données SIEREM et OMVS) Le bassin du fleuve Sénégal est situé dans la partie ouest de l’Afrique entre les latitudes s r° u r’ et s y° u r’ Nord et les longitudes y° u r’ et s x° u r’ Ouest. The Bakoy or Bakoye River is a river in West Africa.It runs through Guinea and Mali and joins with the Bafing River to form the Sénégal River at Bafoulabé in the Kayes Region of western Mali. The name they mistakenly bestowed upon the inlet - "Rio do Ouro" - is a name it would remain stuck with down to the 20th century. Le fleuve Sénégal est formé par la réunion de deux cours d’eau, le Bafing et le Bakoye (en langue Manding, Bafing veut dire fleuve noir et Bakoye, fleuve blanc), dont la confluence près de Bafoulabé au Mali se trouve à environ 1 000 km de l’Océan Atlantique. The Faleme River, Karakoro River, and Gorgol River join the Senegal River. Il est normalement navigable en toute saison sur 175 kilomètres, de son embouchure jusqu'à Podor et en période de hautes eaux, environ trois mois par an, jusqu'à Kayes, à 975 kilomètres de l'embouchure. It would give landlocked Mali a direct route to the Atlantic Ocean. Et pour cause, je fais partie des plus grands fleuves du monde. Il reçoit sur sa rive gauche la Falémé, qui est son principal et dernier affluent significatif et forme la frontière entre le Mali et le Sénégal, et sur sa rive droite la Colimbiné, le Karakoro, le Ghorfa et le Gorgol, rivières moins importantes, voire insignifiantes. [7] (In fact, some of the headwaters of the Senegal River are near the Niger River in Mali and Guinea.) It has a drainage basin of 270,000 km2, a mean flow of 680 m3/s, and an annual discharge of 21.5 km3. It passes through Rosso and, approaching its mouth, around the Senegalese island on which the city of Saint-Louis is located, to then turn south. 2 of C.R. The first town, by the mouth of the Senegal, is called "isingan" (arguably the etymological source of the term "Senegal"). are denoted along the same single river. Ce fleuve s’étend sur 1 800 kilomètres et arrose le Sénégal, la Mauritanie, le Mali et la Guinée où les rivières qui se jettent dans ce grand cours d’eau prennent leur source. the emperor of Ethiopia in the garb of a Christian bishop (coincidentally, this is the first visual depiction of Prester John on a portolan chart). About 8 000 000 km³ of water goes along the river every year. In 1972 Mali, Mauritania and Senegal founded the Organisation pour la mise en valeur du fleuve Sénégal (OMVS) to manage the river basin. Alors que le Sénégal est fils du soleil et du vent. In the 1459 mappa mundi of Fra Mauro, drawn a half-century later, after the Portuguese had already visited the Senegal (albeit still trying to respect Classical sources), shows two parallel rivers running east to west, both of them sourced from the same great internal lake (which, Fra Mauro asserts, is also the same source as the Egyptian Nile). In 1972 Mali, Mauritania and Senegal founded the Organisation pour la mise en valeur du fleuve Sénégal (OMVS) to manage the river basin. Bad weather or lack of supplies prevented Tristão from actually reaching the mouth of the Senegal River, but he rushed back to Portugal to report he had finally found the "Land of the Blacks" (Terra dos Negros), and that the "Nile" was surely nearby. In 2013, construction of the Gouina Hydroelectric Plant upstream of Felou at Gouina Falls began. Hoggar) to the town of "Organa" ("ciutat organa", variously identified as Kanem or Ouargla or possibly even a misplaced depiction of Ghana - long defunct, but, on the other hand, contemporaneous with the depicted Abu Bakr). Gold) or, alternatively, Wad al-Melli ("River of Mali") or even, by transcription error, Wad al-Nill ("River of Nile").[35]. Downstream of Kaédi the river divides into two branches. It is connected by many streams to the southerly "mountains of gold" (labelled "montanies del lor", the Futa Djallon/Bambouk Mountains and Loma Mountains of Sierra Leone). Une embarcation, avec à son bord près de 200 jeunes candidats au voyage, a échoué à hauteur de l'embouchure du fleuve. Il a toujours été l’axe de communication principal avec l’empire du Mali. Le Sénégal est un fleuve d'Afrique de l'Ouest au régime tropical, long de 1 750 kilomètres, qui prend sa source en Guinée à 750 mètres d'altitude. [41] The name itself might be of Berber Zenaga origin, speculatively related to 'Ismegh' ('black slave', analogous to the Arabic 'abd) or 'sagui nughal' ('border'). More recent historians suggest the name "Senegal" is probably a derivation of Azenegue, the Portuguese term for the Saharan Berber Zenaga people that lived north of it. Christian Europeans soon began attempting to find the sea route to the mouth of the Senegal. Depository Mauritania Language French Subject Water Keyword Freshwater resources management International basin institution Policy/planning Institution International agreement-text Basin/catchment/watershed River basin institution Geographical area Figure 1. 2Département de Physique, Faculté … Il sert aux déplacements en pirogue, probablement depuis des millénaires. The OMVS have looked at the feasibility of creating a navigable channel 55 m in width between the small town of Ambidédi in Mali and Saint-Louis, a distance of 905 km. Source IUCN (ID: TRE-153511) Title (French) Charte des Eaux du Fleuve Sénégal. The Bafing rises in the Futa Jallon highlands about 2400 ft. above sea-level, in 10° 28' N., 10° 5' W., its source being within 125 m. of Konakry on the Gulf of Guinea. 55 relations. Important tributaries are the Falémé River, Karakoro River, and the Gorgol River. It or some other river was called Bambotus by Pliny the Elder (possibly from Phoenician "behemoth" for hippopotamus)[5] and Nias by Claudius Ptolemy. Pierre Biarnès, « Fleuve Sénégal : un pas en avant ». fleuve Sénégal Übersetzung, Franzosisch - Englisch Wörterbuch, Siehe auch , biespiele, konjugation The name of Upper Senegal and Niger was changed to French Sudan on 1920-12-04. [28] Writing in 1573, the Spanish geographer Luis del Marmol Carvajal asserts that the Portuguese called it Zenega, the 'Zeneges' (Berber Zenaga) called it the Zenedec, the 'Gelofes' (Wolofs) call it Dengueh, the 'Tucorones' (Fula Toucouleur) called it Mayo, the 'Çaragoles' (Soninke Sarakole of Ngalam) called it Colle and further along (again, Marmol assuming Senegal was connected to the Niger), the people of Bagamo' (Bambara of Bamako?) Ce pays, toujours l’un des plus pauvres … towards the Mediterranean coast. Some Serer people from the south have advanced the claim that the river's name is originally derived from the compound of the Serer term "Sene" (from Rog Sene, Supreme Deity in Serer religion) and "O Gal" (meaning "body of water"). David Boilat (1853), was that "Senegal" comes from the Wolof phrase sunu gaal, meaning "our canoe" (more precisely, "our pirogue"). In 1972, Mali, Mauritania and Senegal made the Organisation pour la mise en valeur du fleuve Sénégal … Pierre Hubert, Jean-Claude Bader et Hocine Bendjoudi, « Un siècle de débits annuels du fleuve Sénégal ». [2], The aquatic fauna in the Senegal River basin is closely associated with that of the Gambia River basin, and the two are usually combined under a single ecoregion known as the Senegal-Gambia Catchments. Il arrose le Mali , puis la Mauritanie et le Sénégal , tout en servant de frontière entre ces deux pays , avant de se jeter dans l' océan Atlantique à Saint-Louis . [22] Cadamosto relates the legend that both the Senegal and the Egyptian Nile were branches of the Biblical Gihon River that stems from the Garden of Eden and flows through Ethiopia. found: Wikipedia, French version, May 26, 2016 (Organisation pour la mise en valeur du fleuve Sénégal; created Mar. Viladestes labels it "River of Gold" ("riu del or") and locates it a considerable distance south of Cape Bojador (buyeter) - indeed, south of a mysterious "cap de abach" (possibly Cape Timris). Seule la partie méridionale de son bassin correspondant à son cours supérieur bénéficie d'un climat tropical humide et reçoit de ce fait des précipitations plus abondantes comprises entre 1 000 et 2 000 mm/an et un peu mieux réparties dans l'année. His capital, "civitat musa meli" is shown on the shores of the river, and the range of the Emperor of Mali's sway is suggested by all the black banners (an inscription notes "This lord of the blacks is called Musa Melli, Lord of Guinea, the greatest noble lord of these parts for the abundance of the gold which is collected in his lands". Uniquely, the Viladestes map shows another river, south of the Senegal, which it labels the "flumen gelica" (poss. [40] This town ("Isingan") is fantastically depicted in the 1413 portolan map of Majorcan cartographer Mecia de Viladestes . Further east, along the river, is the seated emperor (mansa) of Mali ("Rex Musa Meli", prob. [10], As the Senegal River reached into the heart of the gold-producing Ghana Empire and later the Mali Empire, Trans-Saharan traders gave the Senegal its famous nickname as the "River of Gold". In the more accurately-drawn portolan charts, starting with the 1367 chart of Domenico and Francesco Pizzigano and carried on in the 1375 Catalan Atlas, the 1413 chart of the Catalan converso Mecia de Viladestes, etc. L'information a été livrée par la The river has two large dams along its course, the multi-purpose Manantali Dam in Mali and the Maka-Diama Dam downstream on the Mauritania-Senegal border, near the outlet to the sea, preventing access of salt water upstream. By its shores lies the city of "tocoror" (Takrur). Celui qui prend sa source en Guinée avec les rivières Bafing et Bakaye et dont la confluence se trouve à Bafoulabé au Mali. Sur la rive gauche, la Falémé est lˇaffluent le plus important. After flowing together with the Karakoro, it prolongs the former's course along the Mali–Mauritania border for some tens of kilometers till Bakel where it flows together with the Falémé River, which also has its source in Guinea, subsequently runs along a small part of the Guinea-Mali frontier to then trace most of the Senegal-Mali border up to Bakel.
Ens Ulm Concours, La Chanson Du Mal-aimé 5 Dernières Strophes Analyse Linéaire, Le Paradis Perdu Milton, Route 66 Séquence Anglais, Décoration D'intérieur Formation, Le Travail En Chine, Chiot Berger Hollandais, Mémoire Licence Ressources Humaines Pdf, Point Positif De La France, Séance De Kiné Pour Cervicale, Lycée Fronton Classement, élevage Labrador Belgique, On Les Remplit En Voyage En 6 Lettres,