Niger has some of the best beef I’ve ever had. is it difficult for English speaking people? Menu. I would recommend that you learn some French basics (yes, no, thank you, good day, please). Hope in the near future. It has both a beautiful outside seating area, private outside straw hut seating, and when the weather becomes unbearably hot there is inside seating with air condition. What do you think? Yet the villagers are quick to great you with waves and giant smiles as you pass by. It would have been a richer experience had I had some French language previously. Nº1 des Petites Annonces en ligne au Niger Autos, Téléphones, Immobilier, Informatique, Emploi, Mode et Beauté Produits Neufs ou d'Occasion Annonces Pros & Particuliers 100% Gratuit ! (Niamey et les 2 jours) - Ce 19 novembre l’hôtel de ville de Niamey a servi de cadre à l’atelier de validation d’une étude sur la toponymie de la ville de Niamey. La ville compte cinq communes et est constituée en une communauté urbaine dénommée Communauté urbaine de Niamey (CUN) qui est incrustée dans la région de Tillabéri. Ces pères et mères de famille ont perdu leur autorité morale et leur dignité pour ceux qui disposent, encore, d’un foyer entier. Pushing off from the safety of the banks in a narrow, rickety, motorized boat can be a little intimidating especially when the goal is to encounter Africa’s most dangerous animal. So I decided to speak about my previous country of residence, Niger. As they have a large conference and business center, this hotel is becoming very popular as a place to stay for folks who visit Niamey for business purposes. The picture of the brochettes previously was taken at Cap Banga. Las tarifas que cobra dependen de dónde desea ir y cuánto tiempo necesita sus servicios. Enregistrez-vous gratuitement dans l'annuaire. Niamey, city, capital of Niger. It’s also one of the few places in Niamey that you can actually get sushi! It’s a great place to load up on beers, brochettes, and watch the sunset. But unlike other nature reserves you shouldn’t expect these animals to come to your car wanting treats. I also relocate from India to Niamey for job. This hasn’t been a problem for this area, but I would caution visitors that the security situation in Niger can be fluid so it’s important to ask folks in the know if this is good idea. Safety translates to strict entry protocols and guards. It’s basically meat on a stick (chicken or beef usually) that’s open grilled with onions and a spicy dry rub. Fortunately the boat operators are intimately aware of the river’s topography and the habits and temperaments of its local hippo population. I can add that countryside life is even more relaxed (and more interesting) than Niamey. ACCUEIL; ACTUALITES. It’s a country that strives to move forward while struggling to maintain what they have. The music in the video is a song called “Imidiwan” by Omara “Bombino” Moctar, an internationally acclaimed Tuareg guitarist and singer-songwriter from Agadez, Niger. Even so, I couldn’t possibly cover EVERYTHING so it’s just the broad strokes. I am an expat in Thailand so I missed the chance to meet you. Il est situé à 12 km au sud-est de la ville22 et a été baptisé du nom du premier président de la République du Niger, Hamani Diori. The Niger River is very muddy, so, Here on the river bank you can see and visit the only inhabited island on the Niger river. Como no es un país popular para los turistas, es difícil encontrar guías que hablen italiano o español. Despite their vegetarian diets, hippos have enormous jaws which can sport up to 50 centimeter canines capable of ruining your day. Niger Niamey, Niger +227 93 05 47 47. Le nombre d’habitants, estimé à près de 1 million en 2010, devrait atteindre 1,6 million en 2020. Brasserie QG – Restaurant gastronomique Le BLEU. It will help you! But living there I found that there’s much more to Niger’s story. Am actually considering relocating to Niamey from Nigeria on job related issues. Thank you. Capitale du Niger, Niamey est une ville paisible située au bord du fleuve. It’s different than my usual food or travel articles–because I lived there. Before moving to Niger I tried to do some research on what I should expect living there. Since I lived there for 2 years from 2014-2016 I have some knowledge that I can contribute. One thing that must be tried, and one dish I hadn’t expected to be so delicious is brochettes. I was able to get by fine as an English speaker, though I did have the advantage of working in an environment where English was spoken. This is the place to go for white linen table cloths, shining silverware, and a focus on presentation and experience. Thank you Paul for this great note of inspiration. This was a fantastic place to shed the stresses of work, enjoy the company of friends, cheer on the folks brave enough to tube and jet ski, and finally watch the sunset go down as fishermen paddled their dugouts on their way home with their nets and the day’s catch. A person shouldn’t get a false sense of safety from being in a boat as the hippo’s large jaws and teeth are capable of splitting small boats in two, unless they decide to capsize the boat instead. Niamey est la capitale du Niger, située sur le fleuve Niger dans l'extrême ouest du pays. Niamey est la capitale du Niger, située sur le fleuve Niger dans l'extrême ouest du pays. I would need more details to understand what your situation is to give you my sincere opinion. Many of the photos in this article are happy snaps from our time together there, and a few gracious donations from friends there. There are outside garden areas, fine dining inside with air condition, and they even have a luxurious and well appointed cocktail lounge. 2011 [3]: 1. La ville de Niamey rappelle aux #Ongs #associations qui se sont inscrites pour les plants d'arbres à planter le #Lundi_03_Août_2020 qu'il sera procédé demain #Dimanche_02_Août_2020 à la remise de ces kits de plants à partir de #10heures sur l'esplanade en face de la #Cour_Cassation sur la route Express Gabriel It’s life of loneliness was ended in 1973 by an intoxicated Libyan truck driver. The children are especially enthusiastic. out there. Meteo Niamey - Niger ☼ Longitude : 2.11 Latitude : 13.52 Altitude : 208m ☀ Niger Distance Chart (Distance Table): For your quick reference, below is a Distance Chart or Distance Table of distances between some of the major cities in Niger. The road leading to the restaurant is not paved and can be very muddy during the rainy season. Es un país de habla francesa, pero hay algunas guías que hablan inglés también. If wildlife viewing isn’t your thing. Les températures sont nettement moins élevées en cette période : les minimales peuvent s'abaisser jusqu'à 14 - 15 °C, voire 12 °C très ponctuellement, surtout fin décembre et janvier, tandis que la journée, les maximales atteignent entre 28 et 33 °C. Niamey is certainly worth visiting (and doing it smartly is the best way to do so). Il apporte au début de la saison des pluies des tempêtes de sables, dans lesquelles de nombreuses averses et des orages très violents se développent, avec un pic en août. Selon des informations, la ville de Niamey doit aux contractuels dont le contrat a été rompu un mois d’arriéré. There was little to no information about this amazing place to research so I am sharing my experience. Have a safe trip! Coupée de l'influence du désert et de toute aération, la ville subit alors un temps caniculaire, avec des journées brûlantes (de 38 °C fin février jusqu'à 42 - 45 °C et même 43 °C en avril) et des nuits chaudes (en moyenne 30 à 32 °C ). Congrats. But the tree was so famous and beloved  that it was brought to the Niger National Museum to be immortalized in display. Vous pourrez admirer une exposition permanente d'objets d'arts dans une zone où l'on peut voir des artisans au travail (tisserands, maroquiniers, forgerons). Thank you, Thank you for the kind feedback. But even on the local economy I was able to get by fine. Depuis le 24 novembre 1988, la ville, qui compte cinq communes, est constituée en une communauté urbaine dénommée Communauté urbaine de Niamey (CUN). They are also one of the few restaurants that have camel on the menu (in a cream sauce it tastes kind of like a stroganoff). Located within walking distance of the Grand Hotel du Niger, the Hotel Terminus doesn’t quite have the stringent security as the other two recommendations but they do have a guard controlling vehicle access. Enter your e-mail and you will receive updates for new posts! They have a fitness gym and pool on site (occasionally the pool is used for events). I still maintain a network of close and trustworthy friends that are able to assist travelers with drivers, translators, and guides. On weekends these areas are usually filled with folks picnicking and looking to get away from Niamey to see a bit of nature. Giraffe skulls at Kouré check in station. Learn how your comment data is processed. The people are very friendly and there are many unique experiences to have there. I think if you are open to having an enjoyable experience and navigate the city with some situational awareness you will have a wonderful tour and even make some lifelong friends. Despite their vegetarian diets, hippos have enormous jaws which can sport up to 50 centimeter canines capable of ruining your day. We much appreciated it. You can still get in touch with nature escaping the city and going out to the sand dunes. It’s a great place to visit especially if you can bring gifts. To be frank I would guess it has to depend on where in Nigeria you are currently located and where in Niger you are considering to relocate to. The market is vibrant and friendly, and the town doesn’t seem to be bothered by the periodically huge flux of migrants trying to go from Nigeria to Libya. You may also have some luck reaching them by messenger on their Facebook page. es dificil encontrar que hablen espanol o italiano? The “giraffe zone,” where the animals spend most of their time, is about 40 square miles, although their full range is about 650 square miles. My recommendations for a safe tour are to be polite, respectful, and friendly to the people of the host country (assert yourself firmly but politely when you are “hassled”), and when you go out have a plan to meet with people and let folks know when you are going out alone. This landlocked country is also 80%  covered by the Sahara Desert. For those traveling to Niamey or intending to live there for work, this article is a one stop resource for where to go, stay, and eat. Thank you so much for this post! Now it’s not my intention to scare off anyone from seeing these beautiful albeit dangerous creatures in their native habitat. Hopefully I will travel there some day. How’s the people in Niamey is they nice? To the north it is  bordered by Mali, Algeria, and Libya. That being said, there are some places in Niamey that I would recommend as they offer delicious food, at cheap or reasonable prices (compared to Western pricing), and are the “safer” places that expats will often frequent. Le Musée national du Niger a été créé le 18 décembre 1959. (Niamey et les 2 jours) - Suite à l’effondrement d’une ligne de haute tension, samedi dans le 3 e arrondissement de Niamey, on déplore 1 mort et 6 blessés. E.g. Just like any city, don’t make yourself an attractive target and you can avoid an unpleasant encounter. Une entreprise vérifiée sur vous permet de prendre la main sur The baked landscape in Kouré is so desolate and yet beautiful. That’s because there’s a lot of information gaps out there and I want to cover the topic thoroughly. During my brief time that I lived in Niger I made life long friends and I’m thankful the Internet enables me to continue to be a part of their lives. One question, though: You didn’t venture far into the desert? There’ s no major supermarket there like Tesco. Outside of the larger cities in the rural villages people are scraping by day to day and a dry rainy season or a heavy rain season can be devastating. You have to find them, and you never know how long that might take. A metal sculpture was erected in its place in the desert to continue to guide travelers. gracias I’m very happy the post brought you fond memories of your time in Niamey. To this day I still have family and friends that think I lived in Nigeria. Thus far I’ve received some very good feedback so that makes me very happy. Thank you for your kind remarks and feedback. I’d be remiss if I didn’t discuss my favorite topic, the food. La saison des pluies, qui s'étend de la fin mai à la fin septembre, est marquée par un flux de sud-ouest : la mousson. Lo he recomendado antes y descubrí que sus tarifas eran muy razonables. Your email address will not be published. Sorry! I was lucky the first time and found a small group of them within an hour. Living there was a truly wonderful and unique experience for me as well. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. And poverty has worsened with climate change and security issues. queria saber si para contratar la excursion necesito ir a un lugar determinado o en el mismo hotel se puede contratar? Desolate Kouré Park – Not an easy place to live…, Boat captain to Kanazi Island and hippo viewing…, Capataine with Cream Sauce @ QG Restuarant, Every year the town of Kanchanaburi puts together …, For years our top two getaway destinations for …, For a ramen fan living in Bangkok, there …, Most folks might not know where Niger is. desde ya muchas gracias Contact Ville de Niamey on Messenger. Hi Paul, I do hope you find this useful. I’m certain you can find someone there who knows who to contact to get information about it. That being said, I always exercised some common sense and situational awareness when moving about the city. Rang: Ville: Population des centres urbains: Communes urb. Elle comptait 1 302 910 habitants en 2011, soit la ville la plus peuplée du Niger. The second time I went it took nearly 2 and a half hours and I was growing concerned the trip was going to be a bust! To put that in perspective, Thailand has a GDP per Capita of $5901 and the USA has $52,194 per person. cesar, Wonderful article! Rédaction : Florent Birchen (RECA) / Abdoul Baki Mahamane Douramane (Stagiaire IPDR) / 2020. I recently had the opportunity to speak at a Meetup event attended by fellow travel enthusiasts in Bangkok. The children are especially enthusiastic, just watch out for the Casanovas who might try to walk off with your girlfriend! I’d be happy to put you in touch with them to plan out any travel goals you might have. Get prayer times à Niamey. Vulnérabilité et résilience des populations urbaines face au risque d'inondation : exemple de la rive gauche de la ville de Niamey (Niger) It was established as the capital of Niger colony in 1926, and after World War II it grew rapidly. I don’t have a contact for the HHH in Niamey but there is a group on Facebook called Communauté des expatriés de Niamey. The giraffes live alongside the villagers who go about their day herding cattle, mending huts, and tending crops. There is also a lot more pictures. Not a fan of Facebook? Recently opened by a well recognized international hotelier, the Radisson Blu Hotel & Conference Center, Niamey is centrally located in Niamey with views of the the river and city. There wasn’t much out there on the Internet that got me excited to be going. You will find this to be a much longer article than what I usually write. One thing that must be tried, and one dish I hadn’t expected to be so delicious is, The picture of the brochettes previously was taken at, restaurant of its name, with the first located in, The music in the video is a song called “. Thank you very much for this article about my Homeland Niger. In a nutshell, Niger doesn’t seem to have much going for resources. 1) Parce que c’est une ville très attrayante. I found it while looking for information on life in Niger for a paper, but now I want to visit! Make sure you have a 4 wheel drive vehicle or else you will get stuck, and bring plenty of drinks and food as there are no facilities nearby. I have kept the same impression of generous, kind people and a country afflicted with grinding poverty and very tough climate. In the Google Map below if you follow the paved road to it’s termination it will lead into an unpaved road.
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