Retrieved 7 February 2019. Perro de Presa Canario information including personality, history, grooming, pictures, videos, and the AKC breed standard. Dogo Canario – 540 psi Also known as the Perro de Presa Canario, this is one ancient war dog that is still known to be aggressive. 1. Namnbytet kommer att successivt ändras även hos SKK i regelverk , datasystem etc … È sicuramente vivace ma mai troppo esuberante, anzi in linea di massima molto equilibrato. I. The DCCA is comprised of dedicated owners, breeders and fanciers of the Dogo Canario. Feet are round, compact, cat-like. Lâche sur le cou et les régions voisines. The ears can be cropped or left dropped. UTILIZATION: Guard dog used for protection of cattle. The Dogo Canario was used as a … The tail is very thick at the base, and tapers to a point. These pups have many names, including the Canary Mastiff, Presa Canario, Canary Dog, and Perro de Presa Canario. provisionally recognizes the breed in 2001 under the name Dogo Canario, and the breed retains such status until 2011 when it receives full recognition in the F.C.I. Size M/L: chest girth 58-88 cm (22-35 in). Thick and elastic. PEAU : Epaisse et souple. The Presa Canario is a moderately large, powerfully constructed dog with a harsh-textured, flat coat. È uno dei cani più leali che ci siano. Presa Canario colors are of great importance pertaining to the breed standard. In December 2018, at the request of the Spanish Kennel Club, the old breed name Presa Canario is given back. MI Serious Faults: Light eyes, droopy eyelids, eyes set close together or obliquely. Dogos Canarios are good with the children they’ve been raised with but may not understand or tolerate rough play with other children. Rustico e ben proporzionato. Le dogue des Canaries (dogo Canario en espagnol) est une race de chiens originaire des îles de Tenerife et de la Grande Canarie en Espagne.Attesté depuis le XVI e siècle, le dogue des Canaries est un chien polyvalent utilisé comme bouvier, chien de chasse et chien de combat.Il est à présent utilisé comme chien de garde et comme chien de travail. The nose is wide and black. The chest is wide, the body strong, and the tail saberlike. I. It was revived again in the 1970s, when reputable breeders developed and bred Presas true to their original size and character. GENERAL APPEARANCE. Weiterhin sind sowohl Beine als auch Rumpf mit starken Muskeln versehen, die Ohren fallen hingegen eher klein aus und stehen ab. Coat color or pattern other than described in “Color” paragraph above. Dogo Canario. SKIN. Attesté depuis le XVIe siècle, le dogue des Canaries est un chien polyvalent utilisé comme bouvier, chien de chasse et chien de combat. Le port de la queue est bas et la tête à peine au-dessus de la ligne du dos. The breed was also used for dog … Le Dogo Canario est un chien de type molossoïde, de grande taille, plutôt massif, à la musculature et à l'ossature bien développées. Wir haben nachfolgenden Standard nur etwas „sprachlich geglättet“, Any shade of fawn, black, and brindle in any combination of these colors. Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchid. He is large, powerful, and athletic. Required fields are marked *. Pendent ears drop effortlessly to the sides of the head, and rose ears are close fitting. Der Dogo Canario ist nicht identisch mit dem Alano Español (Standard Nr. Langgasse 1. Nails are solid color, white or black depending on coat color of toes. DOGUE DES CANARIES (Dogo Canario) TRADUCTION: Dr. P. BOCHER et Monsieur R. TRIQUET.. Mise à jour 2011: J. MULHOLLAND / Version originale : (ES). Rasen er terratorialsk og rolig og knytter raskt sterke bånd til sin eier og familie. Dogo Canario: carattere. Join DCCA. It is thick and muscular at the base, and tapers to a point. Dogo Canario is a watchful and protective breed. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. It is the animal symbol of the island of Gran Canaria. Pads are well developed, tight, black, not splayed. Size L/XL: chest girth 70-115 cm (27-45 in). Il Dogo Canario è un cane tranquillo e con un temperamento calmo. Ears are set just above the line of the eye and may be cropped, naturally pendent or rose. Cane di taglia media, dal profilo dritto. Dies sollte den wilden und zum Teil höchst merkwürdigen pseudo-„Dogo Canarios“ doch die Realität vor Augen halten. Using the Spanish breed standard of 2001, the Dogo Canario was provisionally recognized by Skin is thick and elastic. Gran Enciclopedia Canina” – page 955-956 “Perro de Pesa Canario – Perro de pelea Canario – Proyecto de Estandar” – year 1985 * Project of standard from 1983 (wasn’t accepted in this form) * Color: Of certain roughness. These dogs are fawn with a dark mask or brindle. Dogo Canario (also known as the Presa Canario, Perro de Presa Canario, or Canary Dog) was developed in the Canary Islands and is a descendant of Mastiffs brought to the islands by Spanish explorers. Il passato come cane da guardia gli ha fatto acquisire un'indole timida e riservata con gli sconosciuti, ma nobile e serena con le persone che conosce bene. Hindquarters are powerful and well muscled. The loin is moderately short, muscular and deep, with moderate tuck-up. A level or slightly undershot bite is acceptable. TRANSLATION: Brígida Nestler. Non-matching eyes. Dogo Canario standard Details Hits: 7505 FCI-Standard N° 346. Dogo Canario . Docked tail. The natural ears may be pendent or rose. The head is massive, cuboid (cube-like) in shape. Tel. The tail is a natural extension of the topline, set moderately high. Dogo Canario) ist eine von der Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) anerkannte spanische Hunderasse, die in Spanien seit dem ausgehenden Mittelalter bekannt ist (FCI-Gruppe 2, Sektion 2.1, Standard Nr. Cane molossoide di taglia media, eumetrico, di profilo rettilineo, con maschera nera. It will play, but in most situations it prefers to watch its territory. On the move, the Dogo Canario is agile and supple and should cover a lot of ground. The dogs were used to control and herd cattle and to protect farms, businesses, and property. Mail: We speak English and French. Le dogue des Canaries (dogo Canario en espagnol) est une race de chiens originaire des îles de Tenerife et de la Grande Canarie en Espagne. Long reach. The withers are slightly elevated. Rustico e ben proporzionato. PRESA CANARIO (346) Group : n°2 - Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid and Swiss Mountain and Cattledogs. General Appearance. È un mesoformo, il cui tronco è più lungo dell’altezza al garrese, e il carattere longilineo è leggermente più accentuato nelle femmine. It is the offspring of an ancient and in this ancient form it is only rarely found in Central Europe today.. PRESA CANARIO (ex DOGO CANARIO). If you need any information on sizing or advice which leather harness would best fit your dog, don’t hesitate to contact us – we are here to help! The upper arm is of good length and well-angled so that the front legs are set well behind the point of the shoulder. NAME AND SYNONYMY . Dogo canario er en sterk og selvsikker rase som er meget trofast mot sin eier og familie, dette er opprinnelig en vakt og kveghund fra Spania. Blue, gray, or yellow eyes. Il est à présent utilisé comme chien de garde et comme chien de travail. Viciousness or extreme shyness. Zygomatic arch is very pronounced and there is a deep median furrow that diminishes in depth from the stop to the occiput. The muzzle forms a smaller cube that tapers just slightly from stop to nose. Created Date: 5/24/2019 10:58:50 AM Title: Standard presa canario Dogo Canario. Originally from Spain, this gorgeous, owner-focussed dog is rather rare and hard to get hold of, but still holds a lot of appeal for some potential owners. Il Dogo Canario è un cane tranquillo e con un temperamento calmo. È molto attento e sicuro di sé. We use cookies to capture information such as IP addresses and tailor the website to our clients' needs. Rasen passer utmerket som vakthund, men er også velegnet som utstillingshund, tjeneste og familie/selskapshund. Early socialization is very important so the dog learns to live in her world. The Perro de Presa Canario has a calm appearance and attentive expression. Fault: Missing any tooth other than the first premolar. Created Date: 5/24/2019 10:58:50 AM Title: Standard presa canario Tel. Serious Faults: Skull and muzzle not in correct proportion, abrupt stop. Disqualification: Any color or pattern other than those described. by Pets. Der breite und massive Kopf ist eines der Markenzeichen des Presa Canario. The distance from the withers to the elbow is roughly equal to the distance from the elbow to the ground. The head is broad with a short muzzle. They may not be good with other dogs or small pets. Loose folds of skin at the throat form a slight dewlap. Rustique et bien proportionné dans son ensemble, le Dogo Canario est également reconnaissable à son masque noir, accentuant le caractère imposant de ce chien. The head is broad with a short muzzle. Die Real Sociedad Canina de España (RSCE), die Spanien in der Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) vertritt, führt beide in mit je eigenem Standard unter verschiedenen Nummern. Standard working dog harness is a heavy-duty handcrafted leather dog harness ideal for all dog training routines. In profile, the croup is sloping. The length of the muzzle is roughly 2/5 of the length of the head, while the width is about 2/3 as wide as the skull. Desirable height at withers for a mature male is 23-26 inches. (from 88 to 110 lbs. )" The elbows set slightly out from the body. Gudrun und Axel Offermann. Desirable height at withers for a mature female is 22-25 inches. We are currently processing registration applications that were received as of November 16, 2020. Contents. Comment to the breed standard for Presa Canario / Dogo Canario. On the move, the Dogo Canario is agile and supple and should cover a lot of ground. Shoulders are muscular and well laid back. The angulation of the hindquarters is moderate. Females may be slightly longer in body. 100 E Kilgore Rd, The width of the skull is about 3/5 of the length from occiput to nose. Si tratta del Dogo Canario, che spesso confuso con il suo più celebre “cugino” sudamericano, ovvero il Dogo … Es waren die alten Saupacker, Bärenbeißer, Wachhunde, Metzgerhunde, die Vorfahren unserer heutigen Doggen , Bulldogen , Boxer , Mastiffs und wie sie alle heißen. Il prezzo di un cucciolo di Dogo Canario parte da € 1.000 (il prezzo può variare in base all’età del cane, al pedigree e da eventuali titoli conseguiti). Training is very important, too, as this highly intelligent breed needs a job to do. Dogs of the current type … The Dogo Canario dog breed needs moderate exercise. Your email address will not be published. Cane molossoide di taglia media, eumetrico, di profilo rettilineo, con maschera nera. Date of publication of the standard: English PRESA CANARIO: 12/24/2018: Français PRESA CANARIO: 12/24/2018: Deutsch PRESA CANARIO: 12/24/2018: Español PRESA CANARIO: 12/24/2018: Section: Molossian type: The tail is carried low and the head is carried only a little above the level of the back. Technical Supervision: Mr. Miguel Ángel Martínez / Official language (ES). The Perro de Presa Canario was recognized by United Kennel Club on January 1, 2003. Gruppo 2 – sez.2.1 Molossoidi tipo mastino. More loose on and around the neck. The nose does not protrude beyond the front plane of the muzzle, which would give a snipey look to the head. Il est le symbole animal de la Grande Canarie1. (A dog with a Disqualification must not be considered for placement in a conformation event, and must be reported to UKC.) The body is slightly longer than the dog is tall at the shoulder. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience during this time. The head is massive and cuboid. Oggi andremo alla scoperta di una razza forse ancora un po’ sottovalutata nel panorama cinofilo. È un mesoformo, il cui tronco è più lungo dell’altezza al garrese, e il carattere longilineo è leggermente più accentuato nelle femmine. : +49 2473 / 8614. Der vom FCI-Standard gewünschte Unterschie… Der Dogo Canario, Perro de Presa, Perro de Toro, Alano oder Presa Canario – alles Bezeichnungen für denselben Vierbeiner – ist ein eleganter Hund, der athletische Kraft ausstrahlt. The Dogo Canario is an esteemed example among dogs. Serious Faults: Satiny, fine coat. The tail is moderately high and reaches to the hock. Lips are moderately thick and pendulous with black pigment. A moderately large-sized molossoid, with a rectilinear profile and black mask, the Perro de Presa Canario is robust and well-proportioned. 346). History. The Dogo Canario coat needs twice weekly brushing with a soft bristle brush or curry comb. The DCCA (originally PCCA) was founded in 1997. Come si evince da quanto detto fino ad ora, il Dogo Canario è un cane tosto ma non aggressivo o cattivo. The ideal Dogo Argentino is a study in harmony. La foulée doit être longue. A scissors or reverse scissors bite is preferred. The Dogo Canario dog breed stands 22 to 25.5 inches tall and weighs 90 to 115 pounds. They are considered a large breed with a somewhat negative reputation that many believe that they don’t deserve. The Dogo Canario It is a classic moloso. Kanariandoggi (Presa Canario), tunnettu aiemmin nimellä Dogo Canario, on Espanjassa kehitetty koirarotu. Ha un aspetto sereno. Disqualification: Croup lower than withers. The Perro de Presa Canario has a complete set of evenly spaced teeth, set in a wide jaw. It has many names: Presa Canario, Perro de Presa, Perro de Toro, Alano o Presa Canario. Portage, Di aspetto rustico e ben proporzionato. When trotting, the stride is long, effortless and well coordinated and the tail is carried above the topline. DATE DE PUBLICATION DU STANDARD D’ORIGINE EN VIGUEUR: 04.07.2011.. UTILISATION: Chien de garde et de bouvier.. FCI-CLASSIFICATION: Groupe 2 Pinscher et Schnauzer- Cheek muscles are well developed without being pronounced. When viewed from the side, the top lines of the skull and muzzle are roughly parallel to one another, and are joined by a well-defined, but not abrupt, stop. The essential characteristics of the Presa are those which enable it to drive and hold cattle, and to guard its home and family. Posted in Working Group. Rustique et bien proportionné dans son ensemble, le Dogo Canario est également reconnaissable à son masque noir, accentuant le caractère imposant de ce chien. NAME AND SYNONYMY The official and widely accepted name is CANARIAN DOGO, although in days gone by, traditionally the most common name in Gran Canaria was “GRIPPING DOG” (‘GRIPPER’), due to the variety of colors, all which were acceptable, and in Tenerife, the most common name was “VERDINO” … Pasterns are strong, short, and nearly vertical. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring–it was peace.
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